Weather forecast for Monday (24.6.2024)
The maximum and minimum temperatures on Monday are likely to be around 33°C and 28°C, respectively.
Generally cloudy sky
Sunset: 6.24pm
Sunrise: 4.54am
Yesterday’s weather update (23.6.2024)
Maximum: 33°C (0 )
Minimum: 28.3°C (+1.5)
Rainfall: 17.8mm
Maximum: 91%
Minimum: 69%
Kolkata Traffic Police have posted a list of programmes that may affect the city traffic on Monday (24.6.2024)
- 2pm: Procession along Nirmal Chandra Street, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Road, SN Banerjee Road, Dorina crossing
- 3.30pm: Procession along Howrah Bridge, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Chittaranjan Avenue, Esplanade, Dorina crossing
Dengue drive in Kolkata and Salt Lake
The civic authorities in Kolkata and Salt Lake are cleaning sewer lines and going door to door to check whether water is accumulating on the premises. The steps are part of a drive to minimise waterlogging and the spread of dengue during the wet season.