Kolkata weather forecast and traffic alert for Monday, June 17

Read on to find out more

My Kolkata Web Desk Kolkata Published 17.06.24, 10:52 AM
For representational purposes

For representational purposes File photograph

Weather forecast for Monday (17.6.2024)

The maximum and minimum temperatures on Monday are likely to be around 36°C and 30°C, respectively.


Partly cloudy sky

Sunset: 6.23pm

Sunrise: 4.52am

Yesterday’s weather update (16.6.2024)


Maximum: 36.4°C (+2.6)

Minimum: 29.3°C (+2.3)

Rainfall: Nil


Maximum: 86%

Minimum: 57%

Till 10.50am, Kolkata Traffic Police did not post any list of programmes that may affect the city traffic on Monday (17.6.2024)

Metro lights

Metro Railway is upgrading the lights at the stations in the north-south corridor (Blue Line). The carrier is replacing the old LED lights with more energy-efficient LED lights. The work has been completed at Chandni Chowk, Central, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Girish Park, Sovabazar, Shyambazar, Rabindra Sarobar, Jatin Das Park, Netaji Bhavan, Rabindra Sadan, Esplanade, Netaji, Masterda Surya Sen, Gitanjali, Kavi Nazrul and Sahid Khudiram stations. By July, the entire Blue Line will have the new lights, said an official.

Special train

South Eastern Railway will run a special train between Visakhapatnam and Santragachhi. The train will leave Visakhapatnam every Monday and Saturday at 11.45pm from June 17 to 29 and arrive at Santragachhi at 3.10pm the next day. While returning, the train will leave Santragachhi at 5pm on Tuesday and Sunday from June 18 to 30 and reach Visakhapatnam at 8.30am the next day.

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