Weather forecast for Friday (5.7.2024)
The maximum and minimum temperatures on Friday are likely to be around 30°C and 26°C, respectively.
Sunrise: 4.57am
Sunset: 6.25pm
Yesterday’s weather update (4.7.2024)
Maximum: 29.7°C (-2.9)
Minimum: 26.7°C (0)
Rainfall: 1.8mm
Maximum: 98%
Minimum: 89%
Till 11.25am, Kolkata Traffic Police did not post any list of programmes that may affect the city traffic on Wednesday (3.7.2024)
Benefits raised
The state government has enhanced the terminal (after retirement) benefits of contractual Higher Secondary school teachers, para teachers of government and aided schools, ASHA workers, honorary health workers and Anganwadi workers from 2 lakh to 5 lakh.