In pictures: Songs, prayers and devotion mark birth anniversary of Sarada Devi

Hundreds of devotees converge at Joyrambati, Maayer Bari in Shyambazar, Sarada Math in Dakshineswar, Belur Math and Adyapith to pay respect

My Kolkata Web Desk Kolkata Published 03.01.24, 07:24 PM
Endearingly known as ‘Holy Mother’, Sarada Devi, the spiritual consort of Ramakrishna Paramhansa, was born on December 22, 1853, in a poor Brahmin family in Jayrambati, a village adjoining Kamarpukur. (Above) Special puja being offered in Jayrambati on Wednesday
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Endearingly known as ‘Holy Mother’, Sarada Devi, the spiritual consort of Ramakrishna Paramhansa, was born on December 22, 1853, in a poor Brahmin family in Jayrambati, a village adjoining Kamarpukur. (Above) Special puja being offered in Jayrambati on Wednesday

My Kolkata
A mini truck, carrying a huge garlanded photograph of the Holy Mother, and school children took part in a ‘prabhat pheri’ (dawn rally) brought out from Maayer Bari in Bagbazar on Wednesday
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A mini truck, carrying a huge garlanded photograph of the Holy Mother, and school children took part in a ‘prabhat pheri’ (dawn rally) brought out from Maayer Bari in Bagbazar on Wednesday

Ashim Paul
The holy occasion drew hundreds of devotees to Maayer Bari in Bagbazar throughout the day and evening
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The holy occasion drew hundreds of devotees to Maayer Bari in Bagbazar throughout the day and evening

Ashim Paul
Schoolchildren play music at the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission world headquarters in Belur Math on the occasion
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Schoolchildren play music at the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission world headquarters in Belur Math on the occasion

Facebook / Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math
Daylong prayers and devotional songs marked the occasion at Sarada Math in Dakshineswar
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Daylong prayers and devotional songs marked the occasion at Sarada Math in Dakshineswar

My Kolkata
Puja in progress at the Adyapith temple on Wednesday
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Puja in progress at the Adyapith temple on Wednesday

My Kolkata
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