In pictures: Kolkatans pay tribute to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose on his 127th birth anniversary

From Shyambazar to Red Road and Elgin Road, people of all ages unite in patriotic fervour

My Kolkata Web Desk Kolkata Published 23.01.24, 06:33 PM
Marigold garlands adorn the galloping statue of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose at the Shyambazar five-point crossing on his 127th birth anniversary on Tuesday
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Marigold garlands adorn the galloping statue of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose at the Shyambazar five-point crossing on his 127th birth anniversary on Tuesday

Ashim Paul
Visitors at the museum at Netaji Bhavan, the Bose family residence on Elgin Road, on Tuesday
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Visitors at the museum at Netaji Bhavan, the Bose family residence on Elgin Road, on Tuesday

Soumyajit Dey
Visitors browse through photographs, artefacts and belongings of the Azad Hind Fauj founder on Tuesday
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Visitors browse through photographs, artefacts and belongings of the Azad Hind Fauj founder on Tuesday

Soumyajit Dey
Chief minister Mamata Banerjee pays floral tributes at the pedestal of Netaji’s statue on Red Road and (right) blows a conch shell on a dais at the same venue
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Chief minister Mamata Banerjee pays floral tributes at the pedestal of Netaji’s statue on Red Road and (right) blows a conch shell on a dais at the same venue

Suvendu Das
Schoolchildren mark Netaji’s birth anniversary celebrations in Shyambazar
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Schoolchildren mark Netaji’s birth anniversary celebrations in Shyambazar

Ashim Paul
The chief minister takes part in a programme to celebrate Netaji’s birth anniversary
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The chief minister takes part in a programme to celebrate Netaji’s birth anniversary

Suvendu Das
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