Exporters must file returns, cautions Tea Board

28 defaulters have been identified

PTI Published 22.10.22, 08:39 PM
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The Tea Board has warned exporters of the beverage who are not filing returns online or offline and cautioned them that their licenses may be revoked or suspended, a board official said on Saturday.

About 28 tea exporters have been identified by the board for not submitting export returns, he said.


Filing the return is mandatory but it has been noticed that some permanent exporters have not registered themselves nor do they submit monthly reports online or offline during the previous months as per the provisions of the Tea (Distribution & Export) Control Order of 2005, the official said.

This is in contravention of the provisions of the order which states that the licensing authority, that is the Tea Board, after giving them an opportunity to be heard, can cancel or suspend the licenses if the licensee fails to comply with the directives.

The statutory body also asked exporters to mandatorily submit their returns by the seventh of every month failing which action will be taken against them as decided by the board.

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