Xiaomi Smart Air Fryer offers enough golden crispy moments

The home appliance is a good design, fits well in most kitchens, does exactly what it promises and cleaning is easy

Mathures Paul Published 20.08.22, 03:55 AM
Xiaomi Smart Air Fryer 3.5L fits perfectly on any kitchen counter and it has very good app integration.

Xiaomi Smart Air Fryer 3.5L fits perfectly on any kitchen counter and it has very good app integration. Pictures: The Telegraph

Air fryers are a bit like folding phones — it’s getting better every year. Had you asked me three years ago whether this kitchen appliance makes any sense, the answer would have probably been: “Get a convection toaster oven, which can do everything an air fryer does. And more.”

Then the pandemic happened and people discovered the ups and downs of the appliance. Personally, my take on the appliance has become more nuanced, especially after using Xiaomi Smart Air Fryer 3.5L. There are plenty of brands in the market with Philips being a very popular option. So, three questions here — why purchase an air fryer from Xiaomi (largely considered a smartphone and TV brand), why buy an air fryer at all, and does it suit my needs?


Let’s get a few things out of the way. The appliance can be set up by a 10-year-old in five minutes, which includes the time to download the Mi Home App. It’s important that you find enough space on the kitchen counter because it’s best to avoid places where the wall or other knickknacks are around because there is some heat generated from the vent on the rear. The appliance can hit up to 200 degree Celsius (besides having 24-hour continuous operating time), which is enough to get fries turn golden (and completely cooked). Having the app gives you the flexibility of getting things done from anywhere in the house, besides having granular control over the device. And that’s about all I need to say about the set-up.

After 20 minutes of cooking without oil, the fries turned out crispy enough

After 20 minutes of cooking without oil, the fries turned out crispy enough

Give taste a chance

The particular model we had for review comes with a 3.5L cooking basket, which means it can easily prepare snacks (and more) for three-four people. Don’t go over the edge and stuff the fryer with fries because that way some potato sticks will end up limp. Air fryers make up one of the fastest-growing categories under home appliances because of the promise of less oil, same taste and hassle-free cooking. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

A few years ago I was hesitant about air fryers because of the taste. That has changed. Cooking fries is itself an art. The biggest mistake one can make is pack in a pile of ice-covered potato sticks into the cooking basket. First thaw — set the temperature to somewhere around 40 degree Celsius for a few minutes. I tried cooking fries two ways — the first method involves turning up the knob to 200 degree Celsius for 20 minutes. There were enough fries for four people and the fries in the top two-three layers were very crispy. That made me move to the second method — cook fries at 150 degrees and then dial up the temperature to 200. It will take 10-odd minutes extra but it’s worth the wait. The fries were crisp and it tasted A- because nothing beats deep frying. Having said that, I know how much oil goes into cooking using air fryer vis-a-vis deep frying. The healthy-happy aspect gets celebrated with the air fryer.

The 3.5L cooking basket is big enough to prepare food for three people

The 3.5L cooking basket is big enough to prepare food for three people

There were a few chicken wings in the refrigerator and those too turned out fine… as good as the ones prepared in the oven using convection setting. Once again, deep frying beats air frying to the punch.

Disclaimer: I did toss most of the fries and chicken wings in some oil and that made a difference to the final taste and look.

It’s not only about fries

Sure, tea time is ideal for turning up the air fryer. But you can also work on vegetables, like Brussels sprout that becomes slightly golden and when tossed with extra virgin olive oil takes it to a different level. Or take the case of aubergine brushed with oil. The vegetable absorbs oil and makes for a great air fryer option. There are times when we just can’t find a place with the perfect temperature to prepare yoghurt. Here, 40 degree Celsius does the trick. I have heard of bread being prepared in this appliance but that’s something I will get around to in a few days. Here’s another idea — try dehydrating thin slices of mango. Or cooking chickpeas tossed in spices.

Brushing a little bit of oil helps with the taste as well as level of crispness

Brushing a little bit of oil helps with the taste as well as level of crispness

Air fryer or toaster oven?

This is probably the most important question you need to ask yourself. If it’s a small family of three, an air fryer works well but if eight hungry mouths need to be fed, some of the people will have to wait a long time before the next batch of food gets prepared in an air fryer… from any brand.

Then there are those who can afford both. With an oven, things will take time to cook, no matter the quantity of food. If it’s a small portion, use an air fryer, which helps to save electricity bill. Also, if you are the kind of person who likes to have a range of finger food several times a day during weekends, an air fryer helps cut down cooking time.

Should you buy it?

In case this was not a review and I was in the market for an air fryer, I would have given Xiaomi a chance because of the brand name it has established across device categories. It’s a clever strategy. First the company won people over with phones, then TV and now with IoT products. It’s a good design, fits well in most kitchens, does exactly what it promises and cleaning is easy. Further, I don’t need to download another app to get this machine to work because many are already using the Mi Home app for other devices. But don’t forget the technology involves applying hot air to the surface of the food being cooked, removing moisture quickly and thus making the item crispy, which is possible with a full-size convection oven.

Having used it for a couple of weeks, I can safely say that Xiaomi Smart Air Fryer 3.5L offers enough golden crispy moments. Push the machine, and you will end up cooking many other dishes.

The machine fits on any kitchen counter

The machine fits on any kitchen counter

At a glance

Device: Xiaomi Smart Air Fryer 3.5L

Price: Rs 9,999 (minus offers)

High notes

  • Comes with double-layer non-stick coating
  • Good app integration
  • Can hit 200 degree Celsius
  • Even heating
  • Easy to clean

Muffled notes

  • A recipe book should have been added to take cooking beyond fries
  • More colour options required
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