We got four beauty gurus to share the most efficient skincare hacks

Take skincare to the next level with these expert hacks

Aatreyee Mohanta Published 02.11.21, 03:34 PM


Instagram is choc-a-bloc with K-beauty hashtags and viral tutorials but buzzwords aside how effective is your go-to skincare regimen? Your daily routine may be 10-minutes long or a 14-step ordeal but it should be tailored to fit your needs. Identifying the right products is key but working out the correct order of application is just as important. Designing a regimen that fits into your schedule is also crucial.

There’s no one-stop solution and there are simply too many opinions on social media! So we sought some professional help and spoke to four makeup artists and skincare experts from Kolkata about the most efficient skincare rules.


First things first...

Your face might look clean but it needs thorough attention. Always start with cleansing your skin with a mild cleanser.

“No matter how tired one gets after a hard day’s work, cleaning the face should never be skipped. Nothing else causes more damage to the skin than going to sleep with dirt, dust, makeup and sebum-layered skin,” says Sne Aribam Sharma, freelance makeup artiste.

Follow the CTM method, to begin with—cleansing, toning, moisturising, that is.

“Always remember to cleanse, moisturise and wear a sunscreen (while stepping out into the sun),” reminds Danielle Jones, Director at the Bridgette Jones Fashion Salon.


Danielle and Sne both believe that it is extremely important to remove all the buildup from your skin so that your skin does not break out in zits and acne. Clean skin also helps absorb all the products to make your skin healthier.

Follow a regime

Skincare is only as effective as the routine you follow. It is very important to stick to one regimen because like all good things, skincare too takes time and effort!

Freelance makeup artiste, Saba Ali Firoz shares, “An effective routine can help prevent acne, treat wrinkles, and help keep your skin looking its best. A daily moisturiser is necessary to maintain your skin's moisture barrier and to prevent environmental damage to your skin.”

However, if you’ve been following a specific skincare routine religiously and haven’t experienced a difference, it’s probably because you’re using the products in an order that is nullifying their effects. Make sure you cleanse, scrub, tone and then use serums, finishing off with your moisturiser and sunscreen.

“Even though skincare is bio-individual, it is important to follow a method because using products incorrectly can render the products useless or cause irritation to the skin,” Danielle points out.


Tools for the task!

There are ways to help your skin absorb products more readily, be it tools like the gua sha or even face rollers. If you identify the most functional tools and use them right, chances are it will improve your skin significantly.

“Use upward strokes and you can use face rollers and gua sha stones that help lymphatic drainage and reduce fine lines,” shares Caroline Lee, owner of Carol's Hair and Care on Southern Avenue.

However, if you are just starting out with skincare, it’s best to use your hands for face yoga and massages that help in product absorption.

“Clean and bare hands are the best. The warmth in your hands makes sure the products are easily emulsified,” Sne confirms.

Golden rules


We asked the beauty pros to share one golden rule that they swear by and turns out these hacks are useful for everyone:

Do. Not. Skip. Sunscreen!

“One step that I recommend to people of all ages (even men who claim that they hate makeup or skincare) is applying sunscreen every day. It protects our skin from sun damage which is very gradual but very evident,” shares Sne.

Eat right for better skin

“Skin has so much to do with what you put inside your body. Products add extra oomph, but what you eat and drink have a huge part to play in the health of your skin. Eat your fruits and veggies instead of putting them on your skin, that’ll help make a difference even in the long run!” Danielle remarks.

Curb your shower time

“Limit your bath time. Hot water and long showers or baths remove oils from your skin making it dry. Also, avoid using strong soaps which can strip oil from your skin,” Saba reveals.

Stay hydrated

“Stay hydrated as much as possible and lead a healthy lifestyle, this will definitely help with your skin,” Caroline says.

P.S. Also make sure you consult a dermatologist to know your skin type and figure out the products that are suited to your skin.

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