Triptii Dimri speaks about her everyday beauty routine and the most beautiful women in her life

'I am calmer, more centred, and honestly, just less all over the place' —  Triptii Dimri  

Saionee Chakraborty Published 21.08.23, 11:38 AM
Triptii Dimri

Triptii Dimri

The fresh-faced actress with powerful performances in her OTT outings Bulbbul and Qala, Triptii Dimri is sure a rising star, who has the much anticipated Sandeep Reddy Vanga film Animal starring Ranbir Kapoor, coming up next. The beautiful Triptii is also the Clinique India brand ambassador now. In a chat with t2, she tells us about her beauty routine and the most beautiful women in her life.

Congratulations! What are your first feelings on being a Clinique girl?


Clinique is a brand that is remarkably close to my heart, and I have been using their products since I was a teenager. What I like best about the brand is that it focuses on individualized care that caters to all skin types and ensures that everyone can find the right products to enhance their natural beauty. It is a brand that believes in making products that are safe for the skin and that is one quality that I have always looked for when it comes to skincare and makeup. I am glad to be associated with a brand whose values are in perfect alignment with mine.

Do you already have favourite Clinique products?

My favourite is the Take the Day Off Cleansing Balm, it truly works wonders. It’s a part of my daily regimen and I use it after every single shoot to take all my makeup off. I have not used any other makeup remover since I got my hands on this. It just clears everything, even waterproof mascara, which is usually very difficult to remove and doesn’t come off easily. I swear by this product and would recommend it to all women out there!

Have you always had flawless skin?

My skin has had quite a journey, especially when I was younger, I had lots of blemishes and acne. But I have always been into skincare, even as a teenager, so that has helped maintain my skin health overall. Although back then, I did not have too much in-depth knowledge, I did a lot of home remedies that sometimes made my skin worse.

What is your general beauty routine like?

My general beauty routine is quite simple. I believe in using less things on my face since I have extremely sensitive skin and it immediately reacts to most products. There are very few products that work on my skin, so I have kept my skincare routine very basic, very simple. I wash my face with a gentle cleanser followed by a light moisturizer since my skin is a little oily, especially in this weather. The Clinique Moisture Surge works wonders for me. And then after that, I use my sunscreen and every alternate day I use a Vitamin C serum and that’s about it.

Given how hectic your schedule is, what is your skincare routine like when you are on the go?

I try and follow the same skincare routine even on the days when life is hectic, even on working days because if we don’t look after our skin, it won’t be good in the longer run and consistency is key to seeing the desired results. I know that I have chosen a hectic profession, which is why I am committed to a regular skincare regimen that is simple and easier to follow.

What new home remedies did you discover during the pandemic?

So many! I have been using besan with jaggery and turmeric for the longest time and it works like magic on my skin. Since my skin is oily, I just mix the three ingredients up and I put it on my skin. There were times I have used this concoction instead of a facial cleanser and it makes my skin glow. This was one thing that my grandmother introduced to me, she used to use it on her face and her skin was flawless.

They say it is a holistic combination that helps to maintain good skin and hair. What is on your must-consume list every day? And what is your workout programme like?

I attempt to engage in physical activity a minimum of five times per day. I’m quite the extremist; on certain days, I’ll head out and mix up two to three types of workouts, going a bit crazy. On days when I’m not moving at all, I might consume around 2,000 calories. I understand that this approach isn’t particularly healthy, but it’s what it is. However, over the past year or so, I’ve been working towards ensuring that I engage in exercise at least four days, if not five, per week. I engage in lawn tennis every other day, and I participate in weight training almost every day, at least five days a week. Occasionally, I also include some yoga, but I only do this on days when I’m not working out or playing tennis.
When it comes to diet, I believe I am not the type who can impose strict dietary restrictions on myself since I’m a true food lover. I feel that if you can’t enjoy what you love, then what’s the point of working hard and earning? So, I try to strike a balance. I am not overly strict with my diet, and on a daily basis, I opt for home-cooked meals. My breakfast usually consists of parathas, and occasionally I go for sandwiches or eggs with toast. A recent change I have made is having early dinners, and this has remarkably improved my sleep quality. Adequate sleep is also said to contribute to good skin health. By having dinner around 7 or 7.30pm, my body gets about three to four hours to properly digest the food before sleep, and I’ve noticed a positive impact on both my sleep patterns and overall skin health.
When it comes to my guilty pleasures, I make it a point to indulge in my favourite foods once or twice a week. After all, mental well-being is just as important as anything else, in my opinion.

Stress can wreak havoc on your skin. What is your personal coping mechanism with stress?

I try to keep stress at bay, although let us be real, trying does not always cut it. So, I have hopped on the meditation train, and I have been at it for the past year. A friend turned me onto this whole meditation thing, and I have to say, it has been a game-changer. At first, sitting still for even like 10 minutes was a struggle. My mind would race like crazy — and honestly, it still does. But here is the deal: I’ve sort of embraced those thoughts rather than dodging them. And, surprise, surprise, it is not just about meditation itself. It is like this domino effect. I am calmer, more centred, and honestly, just less all over the place.
The best part? Stress does not have the same grip on me. I am in the moment, ready to tackle whatever curveballs life throws. No more flipping out at the first sign of trouble. Nah, I take things as they come, no overthinking. Now, I am not saying I have cracked the code to Zen or anything, there’s still a journey ahead. But you know what? I have got my sights set on that peaceful state of mind, and I’m thinking this meditation thing might just be the ticket. So yes, I’m looking at it as a step in the right direction.

What kind of beauty tips were you given by your elders that you would like to pass on to Gen Z?

The only beauty tip I have ever really clung to, passed down from my mom, grandma, and sister — all rocking incredible skin — is this “less is more” mantra. It is all about not going overboard. You have to understand your skin, know what vibes with it, and what just doesn’t give. So, only grab the stuff that suits your skin’s groove and stick with that. Trust me, I used to be all about collecting every product under the sun and switching things up every week. Result? Skin tantrums, big time.
My mom’s always been the queen of this less-is-more thing. She has been rocking just one cream her entire life, and her skin is like a dream. So, it is definitely advice I’d drop on the next-gen — take it easy, know your skin, and seriously, ditch the stress.

Tell us about the most beautiful women in your life...

When I reflect on the most beautiful women in my life, it is easily my mom and my sister. These are the two incredible souls I have grown up alongside. They radiate beauty from the inside out, and let me tell you, they are more than family — they’re my rock-solid pillars of strength. From the highs to the lows, they have been there every step of the way, just like any parent would. But what sets them apart is the endless well of wisdom and love they pour into my life.
They’ve both got hearts as big as the sky and are so compassionate. My mom, she is the one who’s been steering the ship for us. I still remember how, as a kid, I would see her constantly putting her own needs on the back burner just to see us smile. It is something I’m still working on — that level of selflessness. I admire her beyond words for it. And now, watching my sister with her kids, it is like deja vu. She is cut from the same cloth — strong, fierce, and loving.
Being a mother, that is a league of its own. It takes Herculean strength and guts to raise kids, to guide them right. Seeing them both do it, it is like a beacon of hope. It reminds me that there’s genuine goodness in the world. They show me that you can put someone else’s happiness ahead of your own, do whatever it takes without second-guessing. Now, I will not lie, I have been a bit self-centred in my time. I have not reached that level of giving yet. But watching them, I am inspired to be a better version of myself, to nurture that ability to make sacrifices for someone else’s sake.
That is the kind of beauty that really counts, the kind that comes from a place of unselfish love. My mom and my sister? They embody it. They are my favourites, always have been, always will be.

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