Experience beauty of Kolkata and Bengal winters through these Instagram reels

From foggy mornings to food walks — here’s all you can enjoy while the chill lasts

My Kolkata Web Desk Published 07.01.24, 04:45 PM

A walk through the foggy Maidan, a sip of a steaming hot cha, while soaking the soft morning sun. Winter in Kolkata is an emotion that feels surreal to anyone who is in love with the City of Joy. As January gallops by, My Kolkata cherishes winter moments in the city through Instagram reels.

Romanticising Kolkata's winter mornings

Winter mornings at the Maidan have its own charm. The leaves of the trees glitter in the early sunshine, while dew adorns the green grass like little pearls. The towering ‘The 42’ peeps from the foggy skyline, while shawl-clad morning walkers take a stroll. If Kolkata’s winter mornings had its own film, it would look somewhat like this reel by @onnonaa.


What if it snowed in Kolkata?

What if it snowed in Kolkata? The Victoria Memorial would be snow-capped, roads would be lined white and we would have made our own snowman! This reel by @_dreamerpk_ truly feels dreamy! This digital creator used artificial intelligence to reimagine snow in the city and the results are wonderful! Go check it out!

Winters and day trips go hand-in-hand

If you are in Kolkata, weekends are never boring during the winters. Considering the pleasant weather, people who love travelling plan day trips frequently. But there's a place that has its own beauty during this season. The flower valley of Bengal — just two hours away from the city. Khirai, near Panskura, is a hotspot for travellers as it is in full bloom between December to February. From marigolds to daliahs, there are varieties of flowers one can enjoy here! Check out this reel from @kolkatar_golpo.

The 5am ‘pet pujo’

You cannot not talk about food when you are talking about Kolkata! The city has its own ways of surprising you. It’s a city where people wake up in the wee hours to queue up for food. If you are a fan of Nihari, you will have to wake up by 5am to be there early at Zakaria Street. Sufiyan Restaurant serves a sumptuous bowl of Nihari with poori or paratha early in the morning and by 6-6.30am, everything is over! This is a winter-special edition! Check the reel by @shahrukhnawazz for more details!

Winter delicacies from Kolkata going places

As winter sets in, the sweet shops swish their wands and turn all white sweets golden! Well, that's thanks to the golden liquid that Bengalis are fond of! Yes, gur, or jaggery! Even @nehadeepakshah couldn't stop from falling in love with it. Here's a recipe from the MasterChef if you want to try your hands at it! Also, when someone asks you your favourite Bengali sweet, don’t just say ‘rosogolla’, say ‘gurer Rosogolla’! Because that hits different for Bengalis!

Poush Parbon is here!

Poush Parbon is another reason to celebrate winter! Once New Year's craze is over, people of Bengal wait eagerly for Poush Parbon, which for foodies is pithe season! If you are lucky and in the region, you will definitely be savouring this seasonal delicacy. But if you are away like @weekend_flavours_, you might need to help yourself and make it in your own kitchen. Do check out the recipe!

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