Women’s Christian College near Kalighat gets Tagore gallery-cum-conference room

The gallery is dedicated to Rabindranath Tagore’s paintings to generate visual awareness among students and visitors

My Kolkata Web Desk Published 14.05.24, 06:30 PM
Vanibandhan, the Cell for Multilingualism at Women's Christian College, Kalighat, celebrated Rabindra Jayanti this year with a daylong literary fiesta. ‘Verse, Voice and Vision’, in association with Penprints Publication. It began with the inauguration of Rabindra Kaksha, a Tagore-themed gallery-cum-conference room
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Vanibandhan, the Cell for Multilingualism at Women's Christian College, Kalighat, celebrated Rabindra Jayanti this year with a daylong literary fiesta. ‘Verse, Voice and Vision’, in association with Penprints Publication. It began with the inauguration of Rabindra Kaksha, a Tagore-themed gallery-cum-conference room

Women's Christian College
The gallery was inaugurated by Women’s Christian College principal Ajanta Paul, KMC councillor Paramita Chatterjee and artist Hiran Mitra. Mitra also delivered the keynote address, focusing on his own critical and aesthetic responses to Tagore's paintings
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The gallery was inaugurated by Women’s Christian College principal Ajanta Paul, KMC councillor Paramita Chatterjee and artist Hiran Mitra. Mitra also delivered the keynote address, focusing on his own critical and aesthetic responses to Tagore's paintings

Rabindra Kaksha has on display 28 replicas of Tagore’s paintings. “As an educationist and author, I feel art plays a significant role in understanding literature for students. Therefore, Tagore’s paintings, besides his literary works, are also important for the students of literature. To study Tagore’s ideas, his paintings must be studied as well,” said principal Ajanta Paul
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Rabindra Kaksha has on display 28 replicas of Tagore’s paintings. “As an educationist and author, I feel art plays a significant role in understanding literature for students. Therefore, Tagore’s paintings, besides his literary works, are also important for the students of literature. To study Tagore’s ideas, his paintings must be studied as well,” said principal Ajanta Paul

Artist Rabindranath Tagore is much less discussed or celebrated than the writer, author and poet. The gallery is aimed at generating visual awareness among students and visitors
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Artist Rabindranath Tagore is much less discussed or celebrated than the writer, author and poet. The gallery is aimed at generating visual awareness among students and visitors

A panel discussion on ‘Rabindra Bhabana o Adhunik Monon’ was also held. It was introduced by principal Ajanta Paul and moderated by Sreetanwi Chakraborty, representing Pen Print Publication. The panellists included poets and academics Gopal Lahiri, Sekhar Banerjee, Jaydeep Sarangi, Aneek Chatterjee and Kushal Andrew Biswas. The panel spoke about different aspects of modernity in Tagore's thoughts and work. Academics Rajorshi Patranabis, Soma Chatterjee, Pramila Bhattacharya, Inam Hussain Begg Mullick were also present
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A panel discussion on ‘Rabindra Bhabana o Adhunik Monon’ was also held. It was introduced by principal Ajanta Paul and moderated by Sreetanwi Chakraborty, representing Pen Print Publication. The panellists included poets and academics Gopal Lahiri, Sekhar Banerjee, Jaydeep Sarangi, Aneek Chatterjee and Kushal Andrew Biswas. The panel spoke about different aspects of modernity in Tagore's thoughts and work. Academics Rajorshi Patranabis, Soma Chatterjee, Pramila Bhattacharya, Inam Hussain Begg Mullick were also present

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