Threatfest – a metal festival where all colours fade to black

At Mohit Moitra Mancha, My Kolkata witnessed sound become a palpable force and light an art form, as the alchemy of metal unfolded

Manisha Maity Published 14.09.23, 06:22 PM
Threatfest 2023: A sonic journey through metal’s heart

Threatfest 2023: A sonic journey through metal’s heart Photos: Arnab Dutta

In Kolkata, a city where tradition and modernity harmonise, an electrifying event unfolded on September 9. Threatfest, (with My Kolkata as digital media partner) in the annals of the Indian music scene, once again asserted its dominion as the epicentre of all things metal.

While the city’s streets pulsed with daily life, within the festival’s grounds at Mohit Moitra Mancha, a very different symphony played. For aficionados of heavier soundscapes, this annual pilgrimage marked not only a date on the calendar, but a communion with the very essence of metal music.


Born in 2022, Threatfest curates a lineup featuring the finest talent from Kolkata and across the country. In the words of Debarshi Sarkar, the man behind Threatfest, “My motivation has always been Kolkata. Unfortunately, the rock and metal scene here hasn't thrived as much as it could. This led to the creation of something unique. Our goal isn’t to claim the best or focus on fame; we prioritise production quality and honest bands, those who put in dedicated effort.

“Our main aim was to raise the production standards of metal gigs, from top-notch venues to exceptional sound systems. We aimed to offer a remarkable experience that Kolkata hadn’t seen in a while in the rock and metal music scene. We’re taking it from pubs to a bigger stage, providing something exceptional for music enthusiasts,” he said.

Girish and the Chronicles, the metal maestros, commandeered the stage, leaving an indelible mark on Threatfest's legacy

Girish and the Chronicles, the metal maestros, commandeered the stage, leaving an indelible mark on Threatfest's legacy

Headlining the event was Girish and the Chronicles (GATC), a Bengaluru-based heavy metal band with Sikkim origins. Known for their raw power and infectious melodies, GATC left the audience breathless with their thunderous rhythms.

It had been a decade since GATC last graced Kolkata with their presence, making their performance highly anticipated. Their latest album, Back on Earth, which released in January this year, added to the excitement.

“In recent years, many bands have embraced ’80s styles like glam and heavy metal, which were familiar to most of us from our middle school days. This trend has become quite common, with many bands following suit. The evolution of music has been an ongoing journey for quite some time, and we’re proud to have been part of the evolving history of rock ‘n’ roll in India. The impact is especially noticeable in the digital age, thanks to platforms like YouTube and social media, where we’ve observed a wealth of creative expressions and musical influences,” said Yogesh, GATC’s bassist.

The audience at Mohit Moitra Mancha

The audience at Mohit Moitra Mancha

With over five years of touring experience, GATC has played more than 1,000 shows in India and abroad, a remarkable feat for the hard rock and metal band. Their unforgettable performance at Threatfest showcased their enduring appeal and their ability to captivate the audience, leaving a lasting impression on the festival's credibility.

“Metal gigs like Threatfest can truly inspire newcomers, offering them a fresh experience in this music style. So, it's essential to keep hosting such events to nurture the genre’s growth and broaden its appreciation, making it even more significant,” added Girish.

Threatfest's diverse lineup showcased a series of handpicked formidable acts from across the country.

Kolkata’s Thirst of Faust unleashed an unrelenting torrent of fury, cutting through the crowd with ferocious guitar riffs and guttural vocal power. Their raw and intense energy left the audience electrified and hungry for more.

Thirst of Faust delivered a technical death metal onslaught that left the crowd in awe of their precision and ferocity

Thirst of Faust delivered a technical death metal onslaught that left the crowd in awe of their precision and ferocity

Iron Hound, a five-piece powerhouse, unleashed a relentless onslaught of bone-rattling riffs and pounding rhythms. Their performance was a sonic storm, commanding the audience's allegiance with unyielding energy and ferocity. Iron Hound's stage presence was a juggernaut, leaving no doubt about their dedication to delivering a metal experience of epic proportions.

Iron Hound, a five-piece powerhouse, had bone-shaking riffs and a stage presence that commanded the audience’s attention

Iron Hound, a five-piece powerhouse, had bone-shaking riffs and a stage presence that commanded the audience’s attention

Mustang adopted a more cosmic theme, delving into galactical realms. Their performance was a cosmic journey that blended beauty with fury, creating an atmosphere of both wonder and intensity. Adding to their unique approach, a dancer joined them on stage, infusing the performance with an expressive interpretation of the music’ rage.

Mustang’s set marked the launch show for their album, ‘Beyond Raging Thunder’, promising a relentless display of their musical prowess

Mustang’s set marked the launch show for their album, ‘Beyond Raging Thunder’, promising a relentless display of their musical prowess

Fresh from their appearance at the legendary Wacken Open Air in 2023, Moral Putrefaction brought their international experience to Threatfest. Their performance was an inferno of metal fury, fueled by intense growls and intricate guitar solos. The stage was their battlefield, and the audience was caught in the crossfire of their relentless onslaught.

Moral Putrefaction summoned a torrent of metal fury that engulfed the audience, channelling the very essence of the genre

Moral Putrefaction summoned a torrent of metal fury that engulfed the audience, channelling the very essence of the genre

Armament, battle-hardened from their recent Indian tour and on the brink of releasing new material, took to the stage with the force of a metal artillery barrage. Their performance was a relentless onslaught, featuring bone-crushing riffs and a sonic assault that left the audience in awe.

Armament, having recently toured India and on the brink of releasing new material, showcased their unwavering commitment to the metal cause

Armament, having recently toured India and on the brink of releasing new material, showcased their unwavering commitment to the metal cause

In the dimly lit cavern of Threatfest, where sound became a palpable force and light an art form, the alchemy of metal unfolded. The sound genius behind the scenes sculpted waves of sonic power that reverberated through the night, while the lighting, a symphony of colours and shadows, elevated each performance to a visual masterpiece. The crowd, a collective of the city’s metalheads spanning generations, came together in perfect harmony, a sea of all ages united by a shared passion for the genre.

Each performance was a tight, unyielding force, a testament to the unrelenting commitment of the bands to their craft. As the night progressed, it became evident that in the world of metal, all colours merged into one – black. In attire and style, the metalheads ranged from studded belts to piercings and metal chains, each embodying the embodiment of the genre’s rebellious spirit.

Threatfest was not just a festival; it was a communion of souls, an echo of roaring guitars and pounding drums that resonated through the hearts of all who gathered. It was a day where the power of metal music was celebrated in all its glory, leaving an indelible mark on the city’s metal landscape.

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