The Bengal Club Corporate Quiz in association with The Telegraph

Over 30 teams have registered for preliminary rounds, representing blue-chip companies, top law firms, and well-known social clubs, hospitals, colleges and NGOs

Our Bureau Published 25.03.23, 01:48 PM
Snaps from The Bengal Club Annual Quiz, in association with The Telegraph, from yesteryears

Snaps from The Bengal Club Annual Quiz, in association with The Telegraph, from yesteryears Stock Photographer

What: The Bengal Club Corporate Quiz in association with The Telegraph

Where: The Bengal Club


When: Today at 7pm

What to expect: Sponsored by PS Group, The Bengal Club Corporate Quiz, in association with The Telegraph, is one of the most prestigious events on the club’s event calendar. This year, over 30 teams have registered for the preliminary rounds, representing blue-chip companies, top law firms, and well-known social clubs, hospitals, colleges and NGOs. ­The quiz will be conducted by Srinjoy Chowdhury. Only members, participants and guests may attend. Five slots are still open for registration before the prelims start at 3.30pm. Prospective participants must call for prior clearance.

Club speak: “Several ace quizzers are participating and, thanks to our generous sponsors the PS Group, we are able to offer attractive prizes,” said Dinyar Mucadum, CEO of The Bengal Club.

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