In pics: Over 950 students doodle and draw at Nicco Park’s sit n draw competition

Young artists let their imagination flow over wintry weekend

My Kolkata Web Desk Published 11.12.23, 04:50 PM
Nicco Parks and Resorts Limited organised a fun Sit N Draw with Sheroo competition for children on December 9 and 10 Nicco Park’s Waterside Halls I and II
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Nicco Parks and Resorts Limited organised a fun Sit N Draw with Sheroo competition for children on December 9 and 10 Nicco Park’s Waterside Halls I and II

All photographs by Arnab Dutta
The event ‘Sit N Draw with Sheroo’ was held in two groups. Day one was for children aged between 5 and 10 years while day two was allocated to 11-15 years
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The event ‘Sit N Draw with Sheroo’ was held in two groups. Day one was for children aged between 5 and 10 years while day two was allocated to 11-15 years

Around 972 budding artists turned up in total on both days from across the city
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Around 972 budding artists turned up in total on both days from across the city

On day one, the children were further divided into two groups — Group A (5+ to 7 years) and Group B (7+ to 10 years). On day two, they were divided into Group C (10+ to 12) and Group D (12+ to 15)
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On day one, the children were further divided into two groups — Group A (5+ to 7 years) and Group B (7+ to 10 years). On day two, they were divided into Group C (10+ to 12) and Group D (12+ to 15)

Three winners were announced from each group who won exciting prizes by Classmate and B Natural with a certificate. In pictures, (Right) Aranya Jana, Class II, Howrah Vivekananda Institution (Primary) and (Left) Tohshini Banerjee, student of Class I, Vivekananda Mission School. Tohshini came all the way from Joka to Nicco Park and grabbed the first position in the Group A. Speaking to My Kolkata she said, “I am very happy to win. I like to draw. I want to be a painter when I grow up”
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Three winners were announced from each group who won exciting prizes by Classmate and B Natural with a certificate. In pictures, (Right) Aranya Jana, Class II, Howrah Vivekananda Institution (Primary) and (Left) Tohshini Banerjee, student of Class I, Vivekananda Mission School. Tohshini came all the way from Joka to Nicco Park and grabbed the first position in the Group A. Speaking to My Kolkata she said, “I am very happy to win. I like to draw. I want to be a painter when I grow up”

The judges for the event were artists Bimal Kundu, Tapan Kumar Mitra and Sujit Kumar Ghosh. Managing director and CEO of Nicco Parks and Resorts, Rajesh Raisinghani and executive president Rahul Mitra were also present
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The judges for the event were artists Bimal Kundu, Tapan Kumar Mitra and Sujit Kumar Ghosh. Managing director and CEO of Nicco Parks and Resorts, Rajesh Raisinghani and executive president Rahul Mitra were also present

The children were provided with an art kit each comprising drawing sheets, colour pencils, an eraser and a sharpener
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The children were provided with an art kit each comprising drawing sheets, colour pencils, an eraser and a sharpener

They were given no themes and had the freedom to unleash their creativity on paper
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They were given no themes and had the freedom to unleash their creativity on paper

The little Picassos drew their favourite cartoon characters, heroes, festivals, scenery and more
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The little Picassos drew their favourite cartoon characters, heroes, festivals, scenery and more

The participants were also given complimentary entry to Nicco Park with 13 specified attractions and a 50 per cent discount on park packages for themselves and two accompanying guardians
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The participants were also given complimentary entry to Nicco Park with 13 specified attractions and a 50 per cent discount on park packages for themselves and two accompanying guardians

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