In pictures: Nativity Story and Mistletoe Mania at Calcutta Rangers Club brought in the Yuletide spirit

Family and friends gathered to watch the story of Jesus and jive the night away at the 127-year-old Kolkata club

Urvashi Bhattacharya Published 29.12.23, 04:02 PM
The vibes in Kolkata just a few days before Christmas are always happy and festive. And much of that was present at the Calcutta Rangers Club as they hosted ‘A Christmas Story’ followed by ‘Mistletoe Mania’. Held on December 22, the members and their guests dressed in their warm coats and sweaters to watch a skit put up by the kids of the club and the choir, along with some music performances that got the guests jiving
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The vibes in Kolkata just a few days before Christmas are always happy and festive. And much of that was present at the Calcutta Rangers Club as they hosted ‘A Christmas Story’ followed by ‘Mistletoe Mania’. Held on December 22, the members and their guests dressed in their warm coats and sweaters to watch a skit put up by the kids of the club and the choir, along with some music performances that got the guests jiving

All photos by Krishnungshu Gangopadhyay
The skit beautifully depicted the birth of Jesus Christ, with the kiddies dressed up as Joseph, Mary, the three kings, angels and other characters
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The skit beautifully depicted the birth of Jesus Christ, with the kiddies dressed up as Joseph, Mary, the three kings, angels and other characters

To keep the spirits up, and to celebrate the festive soiree, the club was decked up in lights, decor and quintessential Christmas colours, complete with a Nativity scene
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To keep the spirits up, and to celebrate the festive soiree, the club was decked up in lights, decor and quintessential Christmas colours, complete with a Nativity scene

A choir, led by honorary social secretary Nigel Vincent, sang carols and Christmas hymns during the skit
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A choir, led by honorary social secretary Nigel Vincent, sang carols and Christmas hymns during the skit

To get into the festive spirit, Karessa Benjamin and her group of family and friends, seated under the colourful tent at Rangers, wore Santa hats and donned warm sweaters
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To get into the festive spirit, Karessa Benjamin and her group of family and friends, seated under the colourful tent at Rangers, wore Santa hats and donned warm sweaters

Fun had already filled the air but to take things up a few notches the bar kept pouring out stiff drinks and revellers joyously raised their glasses at the tables
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Fun had already filled the air but to take things up a few notches the bar kept pouring out stiff drinks and revellers joyously raised their glasses at the tables

Following the skit by the children, the stage was graced by musical performances from artistes like Craig D’Souza. The playlist was a mixed bag of songs like ‘Cold Heart’, classic hits, and soulful romantic numbers
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Following the skit by the children, the stage was graced by musical performances from artistes like Craig D’Souza. The playlist was a mixed bag of songs like ‘Cold Heart’, classic hits, and soulful romantic numbers

As the music started, the guests hit the dance floor ready to dance their hearts out
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As the music started, the guests hit the dance floor ready to dance their hearts out

Blossom Rae, the club’s general secretary, was present to guide the celebrations at the venue and ensured everything went smoothly. ‘Some of the top Kolkata singers came to perform before which a Nativity Play was done by the kids. The response was perfect as the place was overflowing with people. It was a great hit,’ she said
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Blossom Rae, the club’s general secretary, was present to guide the celebrations at the venue and ensured everything went smoothly. ‘Some of the top Kolkata singers came to perform before which a Nativity Play was done by the kids. The response was perfect as the place was overflowing with people. It was a great hit,’ she said

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