In pictures: Mangalacharana Sangeet Sammelan — a concert in celebration of Indian classical music

Mamata Shankar, Bickram Ghosh and Adrian McNeill attended the event at Sisir Mancha

Pooja Mitra Kolkata Published 13.03.24, 04:38 PM
Indian classical music aficionados enjoyed an evening of melody on March 10, Sunday, at the 7th Mangalacharana Sangeet Sammelan at Sisir Mancha. Danseuse-actress Mamata Shankar graced the event as the chief guest
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Indian classical music aficionados enjoyed an evening of melody on March 10, Sunday, at the 7th Mangalacharana Sangeet Sammelan at Sisir Mancha. Danseuse-actress Mamata Shankar graced the event as the chief guest

All photographs by Soumyajit Dey
(From left) Apurba Mukherjee, tabla player and secretary of Mangalacharana; Amit Roy, president of the NGO; Sushmita Ganguli, teacher and a member of the organisation; Indrani Mukherjee, renowned vocalist; and Mamata Shankar inaugurated the event
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(From left) Apurba Mukherjee, tabla player and secretary of Mangalacharana; Amit Roy, president of the NGO; Sushmita Ganguli, teacher and a member of the organisation; Indrani Mukherjee, renowned vocalist; and Mamata Shankar inaugurated the event

(From left) Among other tabla players, Samir Ranjana Maity was awarded the scholarship by Indrani Mukherjee, Apurba Mukherjee, Mamata Shankar and Amit Roy. Mangalacharana, a charitable organisation, aims to popularise Indian classical music among the young generation and help musicians to pursue their dreams
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(From left) Among other tabla players, Samir Ranjana Maity was awarded the scholarship by Indrani Mukherjee, Apurba Mukherjee, Mamata Shankar and Amit Roy. Mangalacharana, a charitable organisation, aims to popularise Indian classical music among the young generation and help musicians to pursue their dreams

Bickram Ghosh (centre), along with Vidwan S. Sekharin Mridangam (left) and Avishek Mallick (right) on sitar made the evening memorable
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Bickram Ghosh (centre), along with Vidwan S. Sekharin Mridangam (left) and Avishek Mallick (right) on sitar made the evening memorable

Adrian McNeil, sarod player and ethnomusicologist from Australia, performed at the concert
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Adrian McNeil, sarod player and ethnomusicologist from Australia, performed at the concert

Students of Mangalacharana, who are being trained under Indrani Mukherjee, presented a vocal performance. The name of the group is ‘Let Music Speak’. The 12 young musicians who performed are carrying forward the vision of the cause — to keep alive the rich tradition of Indian classical music and dance
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Students of Mangalacharana, who are being trained under Indrani Mukherjee, presented a vocal performance. The name of the group is ‘Let Music Speak’. The 12 young musicians who performed are carrying forward the vision of the cause — to keep alive the rich tradition of Indian classical music and dance

(From left) A purab ang thumri performance by Santa Kundu and Dipanjana Bose Chanda with Prasanta Dey Roy on tabla and Hiranmay Mitra on the harmonium
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(From left) A purab ang thumri performance by Santa Kundu and Dipanjana Bose Chanda with Prasanta Dey Roy on tabla and Hiranmay Mitra on the harmonium

 The audience comprised a motley mix of people from diverse age groups
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The audience comprised a motley mix of people from diverse age groups

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