Weather forecast for Thursday (26.12.2024)
The maximum and minimum temperatures on Thursday are likely to be around 26°C and 17°C, respectively.
Partly cloudy sky
Sunset: 5pm
Sunrise: 6.14am
Yesterday’s weather update (25.12.2024)
Maximum: 24.6°C (-1)
Minimum: 18°C (+3.5)
Rainfall: Trace
Maximum: 93%
Minimum: 58%
Kolkata Traffic Police posted a list of programmes that may affect the city’s traffic on Thursday (26.12.2024)
- 8am: Procession along RG Kar Road, Shyambazar crossing, Mohanlal Street, Raja Dinendra Road
- 2pm: Programme at Auckland Road
- 3pm: Programme at Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Dorina crossing
Metro footfall
Metro Railway has ferried 14.72 crore passengers between April 1 and November 30 this year, said an official. The number was 12.7 crore in the corresponding period of 2023, he said. Till November 2024, a total of 9.34 lakh Android users and 0.48 lakh iOS system users have downloaded the Metro Ride Kolkata app, the official said.