Weather forecast for Saturday (21.12.2024)
The maximum and minimum temperatures on Saturday are likely to be around 24°C and 18°C, respectively.
Generally cloudy sky
Sunset: 4.58pm
Sunrise: 6.12am
Yesterday’s weather update (20.12.2024)
Maximum: 27°C (+0.9)
Minimum: 15.9°C (+0.8)
Rainfall: Nil
Maximum: 95%
Minimum: 43%
Kolkata Traffic Police posted a list of programmes that may affect the city’s traffic on Saturday (21.12.2024)
- 9pm: Religious procession along Bondel Road, Bondel Bridge, Picnic Garden Road, Bediadanga, Dr GS Bose Road
- 2pm: Religious procession along Bidhan Sarani, Vivekananda Road, Kali Krishna Tagore Street, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Chittaranjan Avenue, Girish Park, Vivekananda Road
- 4pm: Procession along National Library Avenue, Alipore Road, Lalbati, Diamond Harbour Road, Ekbalpore crossing
Metro service
Metro trains in the north-south corridor (Blue Line) that now start from or terminate at Dum Dum will from Monday start from and terminate at Dakshineswar. "From December 23, Metro services that are now starting from or terminating at Dum Dum will start from or terminate at Dakshineswar. This is being done on a trial basis," said an official. However, the trains that leave Kavi Subhash (New Garia, the terminal station in south) at 8.27pm, 8.48pm, 9.12pm and 9.40pm will terminate at Dum Dum, he said.
Visa exemption
The Malaysia government has announced an extension of the visa exemption for Indian nationals till December 31, 2026. Malaysia had earlier granted visa-free entry to Indian citizens from December 1, 2023, till December 31, 2024. In a statement on Friday, the home ministry secretary-general in Malaysia, Datuk Awang Alik Jeman, said the extension was in line with Malaysia s 2025 Asean chairmanship and preparations for Visit Malaysia Year 2026.