Weather forecast for Monday (6.1.2025)
The maximum and minimum temperatures on Monday are likely to be around 23°C and 16°C, respectively.
Partly cloudy sky
Sunset: 5.07pm
Sunrise: 6.18am
Yesterday’s weather update (5.1.2025)
Maximum: 23.2°C (-1.9)
Minimum: 16.2ºC (+2)
Rainfall: Nil
Maximum: 94%
Minimum: 66%
Kolkata Traffic Police have posted a list of programmes that may affect the city’s traffic on Monday (6.1.2025)
- 2pm: Rally along Free School Street and SN Banerjee Road
- 4pm: Rally along Jawaharlal Nehru Road and Dufferin Road
- 7.30pm: Football match at EM Bypass
Fog delays four flights
Four Bangladesh-bound flights were diverted to the Kolkata airport on Sunday because of poor visibility caused by fog at the Dhaka and Chittagong airports. A flight from Kuwait to Dhaka with 146 passengers; two flights from Sharjah to Dhaka with 154 and 146 passengers; and a flight from Abu Dhabi to Chittagong carrying 146 passengers were diverted to Kolkata on Sunday morning.
The flights went to Bangladesh after weather conditions improved, said a Kolkata airport official. He said there was fog at the Kolkata airport, too, but the flights were not affected because the Category III B Instrument Landing System was operational. The CAT III B ILS makes it possible to operate flights at a minimum visibility of 50 metres.