Weather forecast for Friday (31.1.2025)
The maximum and minimum temperatures on Friday are likely to be around 28°C and 21°C, respectively.
Mainly clear sky
Sunset: 5.25pm
Sunrise: 6.16am
Yesterday’s weather update (30.1.2025)
Maximum: 27.8°C (+1.5)
Minimum: 21°C (+6.3)
Rainfall: Nil
Maximum: 93%
Minimum: 61%
Till 11.30am, Kolkata Traffic Police did not post any list of programmes that may affect the city’s traffic on Friday (31.1.2025)
Trains cancelled
More than 100 trains on the Sealdah-Baruipur route have been cancelled between Saturday night and Monday morning. The curbs are needed for upgrading the interlocking system at Ballygunge and Kankurgachi stations in the Sealdah South suburban section, said a railway official.
The curbs will be in place from Saturday midnight to 4am on Monday.
Snag disrupts Metro
Metro services in train in the north-south corridor (Blue Line) were briefly disrupted on Thursday night following a snag in a rake at Esplanade station. “The snag was reported in a Dakshineswar-bound train,” said a Metro official.