In pics: Kolkatans recall Mother Teresa with prayers, flowers & candles on her 114th birth anniversary

Missionaries of Charity nuns, priests and people congregate at Mother House on AJC Bose Road from early Monday morning

My Kolkata Web Desk Kolkata Published 26.08.24, 04:48 PM
People from all walks of life started trickling into Mother House from dawn on Monday to pay respect to Mother Teresa on her 114th birth anniversary
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People from all walks of life started trickling into Mother House from dawn on Monday to pay respect to Mother Teresa on her 114th birth anniversary

Soumyajit Dey
The marble-enveloped grave of Mother Teresa, also known as the Saint of the Gutters, was beautifully decorated with flowers of all colours and kinds. Nuns of the Missionaries of Charity, the philanthropic order founded by her, led the prayers
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The marble-enveloped grave of Mother Teresa, also known as the Saint of the Gutters, was beautifully decorated with flowers of all colours and kinds. Nuns of the Missionaries of Charity, the philanthropic order founded by her, led the prayers

Soumyajit Dey
Nuns of the Missionaries of Charity offered flowers on the grave before singing songs in Mother’s remebrance
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Nuns of the Missionaries of Charity offered flowers on the grave before singing songs in Mother’s remebrance

Soumyajit Dey
People pray at Mother House on Monday along with MoC nuns
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People pray at Mother House on Monday along with MoC nuns

Suvendu Das
Red roses went a long way in expressing people’s deep love and respect for Mother, even after almost three decades of her demise
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Red roses went a long way in expressing people’s deep love and respect for Mother, even after almost three decades of her demise

Soumyajit Dey
Among the priests spotted at Mother House since morning was (above) Archbishop Thomas D’Souza
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Among the priests spotted at Mother House since morning was (above) Archbishop Thomas D’Souza

Soumyajit Dey
Nuns of the Missionaries of Charity carry on distributing eatables and other articles in the footsteps of Mother, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for dedicating her life to the well-being of the poor
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Nuns of the Missionaries of Charity carry on distributing eatables and other articles in the footsteps of Mother, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for dedicating her life to the well-being of the poor

Soumyajit Dey
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