Exhibition on life and works of Hungarian philologist

Alexander Csoma de Koros was appointed the librarian of Asiatic Society in 1837 and held the post till he resigned in May 1841

Subhajoy Roy Published 06.11.21, 08:39 AM
The exhibition at Asiatic Society on Park Street.

The exhibition at Asiatic Society on Park Street. Pradip Sanyal

An exhibition on the life and works of Hungarian philologist Alexander Csoma de Koros is under way at Asiatic Society on Park Street.

It will continue till Thursday. Csoma arrived in Kolkata, then Calcutta, in 1831.


He was appointed the librarian of Asiatic Society in 1837 and held the post till he resigned in May 1841.

“Csoma’s main contribution was that he opened up Buddhism for studies,” said Margit Koves, a visiting faculty at Delhi University’s department of Slavonic and Finno-Ugrian Studies, who came to Kolkata for the inauguration of the exhibition titled — Pilgrim Scholar-Alexander Csoma de Koros Memorial Exhibition.

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