British Council to host Reading Challenge 2022 for young readers

Check out the list of books up for reading this year

My Kolkata Web Desk Published 14.11.22, 08:01 PM

British Council

If you love reading, sample this. The British Council, India and the Reading Agency are set to host the Reading Challenge 2022 between November 19, 2022 and January 7, 2023 for those aged between five and 12 years. The project aims to develop young readers’ taste towards reading, listening, speaking and writing in English. The theme for the Reading Challenge 2022 is “Gadgeteers”. If you love to read science-fiction, about the solar system, planets, water bodies, drones, artificial intelligence; this is a “challenge” you can’t afford to miss.

About the Reading Challenge

The Reading Challenge 2022 will be held across the British Council centres across India. Participants need to read at least 6 books during the 6 weeks of the activities. They will be provided with a welcome kit upon signing and will have exclusive access to several curated workshops and events, will collect rewards and badges and will also get a certificate and medal upon completion of the programme.


Members of British Council, India can register for the programme by paying Rs 2,000 while non-members will have to pay Rs 3500.

The proposed reading list

A proposed reading list has been suggested by the British Council. It includes stories of adventure, science, problem solving, quick solution skills and more. The books include:

'Ada and the Galaxies' by Alan Lightman



This picture book is for those who love to learn and explore outer space. Ada knows of the best spots for star-gazing. But will the fog spoil her plans or does she have a witty solution to tackle the problem?

'Agent Asha: Mission Shark Bytes' by Sophie Deen


Today, juniors are into coding. If you happen to be a coder, this book is a perfect read. When coding becomes dangerous, how will Agent Asha save the day?

'AL's Awesome Science: Splash Down' by Jane Clarke


Artificial Intelligence is the future. But it is still subject to experiments which can lead to undesired outcomes. Will the junior protagonists be able to finish all their messy experiments before their mother finds out?

'Bears Make the Best Science Buddies' by Carmen Olive


Do you think you need a science buddy? Did bears come to your mind? Read along as bears help you solve science experiments and enjoy them to the fullest.

'City of Rust' by Gemma Fowler


Another futuristic novel which borders on the ideas of drones. What happens when the world is in danger and the ones who can come up with a solution are three kids, a robotic gecko and an ancient computer?

'Deep: Dive into Hidden Worlds' by Jess McGeachin


For those who love to explore beyond the already known, this book will transport them to the world beyond the solar system or the deepest oceanic trench.


To facilitate the habit of reading and discussing the content that is being read, the British Council is organising a series of workshops. The first titled “Independent Thinkers” is a reading workshop where participants will learn vocabulary and other skills related to reading. It will be held on December 4. The second workshop called “Wordsmiths” is for those who would like to brush up their writing skills. It will be held on December 11. The third workshop, titled “Spontaneous Speakers” is scheduled to be held on December 18.

For more information you can check out the British Council official website at

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