Singer Raman Sharma, known for his unique genre-blending and experimental sound, has already amassed over 151K followers on Instagram, including actor Mihir Ahuja. A rising star on the Indian pop scene, Raman began his musical journey during the lockdown. t2 caught up with the 19-year-old to discuss his latest track Dekho na, his musical evolution, and more.
You’ve been working on your new project, Dekho na, for most of this year. Could you tell us more about it?
Dekho na started as an RnB song, and it really became something I poured a lot of myself into this year. The song revolves around two people, with the protagonist singing about not getting the attention from someone they feel is right for them. It’s a more mature track compared to my previous work, with a deeper emotional undertone. I’m really proud of how it turned out. Samad Khan and I penned the lyrics while Aman Sagar handled the mixing and mastering of the track.
What made you choose this particular subject for Dekho na?
The theme of Dekho na is a mix of emotions. It’s essentially a plea —trying to convince someone that you’re the one for them. The song is based on a fictional story, and I wanted to capture that feeling of longing and dreams through the music. It’s darker and edgier than what I’ve done before, with a more RnB vibe, all about not getting the attention you know you deserve from someone who feels right for you.
How does Dekho na differ from your earlier songs?
It’s definitely a departure in some ways, but it also has some similarities to my earlier work. I wrote my first song, Too Dazed, when I was just 15. Dekho na has that same rawness, it’s less indie pop and more influenced by hip-hop, RnB, and pop beats with a touch of Hindustani music. It’s a fusion of different styles, and it’s a big step forward for me creatively. Both songs are thematically connected, as they are inspired by the dreams I had, with each serving as a fictionalised reflection of the emotions he experienced.
What are some of your favorite genres?
RnB is a genre I’ve always admired. I’m really inspired by a lot of international artistes who bring that soul and emotion into their music. I also enjoy a bit of hip-hop, especially when it’s mixed with a desi aspect.
Who are some of your biggest inspirations?
I’m inspired by artistes who’ve created their own unique artistic world. For me, old-school Hindi melodies are a big influence. Atif Aslam is a big inspiration for his generational voice. I also admire Mohit Chauhan for the quality of his voice, and Arijit Singh is, without a doubt, one of the greatest voices of his generation.
How do you approach creating a song?
For me, making a song is very simple. It starts with finding the vibe and the melody. Once I have that, the writing flows easily. Arranging the song comes next, and once the melody and beats are in place, it’s all about shaping the song through production.
You’ve been singing for most of your life. How did you get started in music?
I’ve been singing since I was seven years old. Over time, I expanded my musical skills to include the guitar, music production, and even piano as my journey progressed. She also enrolled me in Hindustani classical singing classes, and that’s when music really started to shape my life. I grew up immersed in the music of classic Hindi legends like Kishore Kumar, Lata Mangeshkar, and Mohammad Rafi. I am also inspired by iconic Bollywood composers such as A.R. Rahman and Pritam. My music today is heavily influenced by the fun and vibrant Bollywood soundtracks of the 2010s.
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far in your career?
The vision of young people can sometimes get subdued by those with more experience. But I believe young artistes need to be more stubborn about their creative vision. Only young people can truly connect with other young people, and that authenticity is key.
What are your plans for the future?
I have three more projects coming out soon. I want to keep creating and exploring new musical horizons. Right now, I am pursuing my undergrads at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), located in California, USA., but I’m originally from Mumbai. I’m excited to see where my music takes me next!