Jharkhand on Wednesday reported two Covid casualties, one each in Simdega and Dumka, taking the Covid toll to 5104, while the active caseload in the state dropped to 1364 as at least 190 Covid patients recovered in the state against 139 people found infected by SARS-CoV-2 virus on the day, figures released by the health department highlighted.
At least four Jharkhand districts – Pakur, Dumka Khunti and Godda – did not report fresh cases of Covid-19 on Wednesday, while none of the 24 districts reported a spike of more than 30 cases. East Singhbhum, as per NHM data, reported the highest spike of 25 cases on the day, while Ranchi reported 10 cases of Covid-19.
The state on Wednesday tested swab samples of 63,944 residents and around 0.2 per cent of them were found infected by the deadly virus. So far, over 3.44 lakh people have been affected by Covid-19 in the state and 98.12 per cent of them have recovered, while 1.47 per cent of them could not survive, reveals government data.
“The trajectory of Covid cases has seen a downward trend in the state, but we cannot afford to be complacent. The current restrictions will continue and the government will take necessary steps as per the situation in the coming days,” Chief Minister Hemant Soren said after the government on Wednesday extended the ongoing lockdown-like restrictions, referred to as ‘Swastya Suraksha Saptah’, till July 1.
The active caseload in Ranchi dropped to 444 on the day, while that in East SInghbhum rose to 156. Among other districts, Dhanbad reported a spike of 14 cases against 16 recoveries, while Latehar reported a spike of 12 cases against 11 recoveries. At least 16 districts reported a single-digit-spike in cases on Wednesday.
As per government data, the growth rate of Covid-19 was 0.03 per cent in Jharkhand against the national average of 0.13 per cent, while the doubling rate in the state was 2129.46 days against the national average of 545.48 days.
The state on Wednesday administered the first dose of vaccine against Covid-19 to 111816 residents and close to 90,000 of the beneficiaries were in the age group of 18 years to 44 years, a separate report from NHM stated. The second jab of vaccine was administered to 19013 residents on the day.
Meanwhile, two more patients of Mucormycosis recovered on Wednesday, taking the count of Jharkhand residents who have overcome the fungal infection to 54. The state did not report fresh cases of black fungus on the day. The total confirmed cases stood at 84, while 54 suspected patients were undergoing treatment in the state by Wednesday. So far, Mucormycosis has claimed 26 lives in Jharkhand.