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Hemant Soren announces aid for family of teen set ablaze in Dumka

According to police, 16-year-old girl was set on fire by Shahrukh Hussain around 4am on August 23 in a case of unrequited love

Animesh Bisoee Jamshedpur Published 31.08.22, 12:40 AM
Hemant Soren.

Hemant Soren. File photo

Jharkhand chief minister Hemant Soren announced to give Rs 10 lakh as assistance to the family of the minor girl who was set on fire by a jilted lover in the Dumka district on August 23.

According to Dumka police, the 16-year-old girl was set ablaze by Shahrukh Hussain around 4am on August 23 in a case of unrequited love. The girl was sleeping in her room when the accused sprinkled petrol on her through the window and set her ablaze.


She was first admitted to Phulo Jhano Medical College and Hospital in Dumka in critical condition. Later she was referred to Ranchi’s Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) for better treatment where she died on Sunday noon. The accused had been arrested on the day of the incident and sent to Dumka jail.

Reacting to the incident, Hemant Soren said: “Dumka incident is heartbreaking. There is no place for such misdeeds in a civilised society. Such people should not be forgiven, they should be given the strictest of punishments. Laws should be brought in to further strengthen the existing laws for such incidents. A lot of evil acts are being seen in society.

“This incident is heart-wrenching and the law is taking its course. The accused has been arrested. It is our effort to see that he is punished at the earliest.”

Soren later in the day tweeted of the government announcing assistance of Rs 10 lakh to the family and that a fast-track trial of the investigation has been directed. The chief minister also tweeted that the director general of police Neeraj Sinha has been instructed to get the matter investigated by an ADG-rank officer and submit his report at the earliest.

Jharkhand health minister Banna Gupta said: “The government is serious, the guilty will not be spared. We have spoken to the district magistrate twice. A speedy trial will be done. There will be no hesitation of any kind.”

Earlier on Monday, the victim was cremated at Dumka as Dumka district administration imposed Section 144 of the CrPC which prohibits the gathering of four or more people in the concerned area. A bandh had been called in Dumka on Sunday to protest against the incident.

“The accused has been arrested. We’ll apply at a fast-track court for a fast trial. People are cooperating with us. We appeal to people to maintain peace. The situation is under control and Sec 144 has been imposed,” said Dumka SP Ambar Lakra.

The police on Monday arrested another youth, Nayem alias Choto, who is alleged to have brought petrol for Shahrukh to commit the crime.

Meanwhile, the National Commission for Women has taken cognisance of the Dumka incident.

“Since arrests have already been made, we have asked Jharkhand DGP for an action taken report within seven days. There’s a mindset that you forcefully ask a woman to marry you and if she refuses, set her ablaze. It’s pathetic,” tweeted NCW chairperson Rekha Sharma.

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