Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma earlier said: "Who is Shah Rukh Khan? I don't know anything about him or his film Pathaan." The comment came during violent protests by the Bajrang Dal against the actor’s upcoming movie Pathaan, set to be released on January 25, according to the media reports.
The remarks were in response to questions over some activists tearing the movie's posters at a Guwahati theatre that is set to screen the movie.
However, after speaking with Shah Rukh Khan on the phone, Sarma has apparently taken a U-turn.
The Assam CM informed on Twitter that Khan had called him up at 2 am on January 22 and expressed concern about the Guwahati incident. Sarma claimed to have assured Khan that it was the state government’s duty to maintain law and order.
“Bollywood actor Shri @iamsrk called me and we talked today morning at 2 am. He expressed concern about an incident in Guwahati during screening of his film. I assured him that it’s duty of state govt to maintain law & order. We’ll enquire and ensure no such untoward incidents," Sarma tweeted.
Since the film "insults" the Hindu religion, Bajrang Dal has stated that it will not permit its release in Gujarat. The owners of Gujarat's multiplexes have asked for state-wide theatre protection.
Hindutva organisations have been protesting Pathaan because of the song Besharam Rang, in which Deepika can be seen sporting a saffron bikini. Following the protests, the censor board made a few alterations even though the board did not ask the makers to change the colour of the bikini.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has urged BJP members to avoid making unnecessary comments about movies. In the midst of the continuing Pathaan controversy, director Ashoke Pandit came out in support of PM Modi's statement. The president of the Indian Film and Television Directors' Association (IFTDA) said that the film business had gained a lot of confidence as a result of PM Modi's warning to party members.