The benchmark BSE Sensex plummeted 824 points to close at an over seven-month low on Monday, dragged down by IT and oil & gas shares amid weak global cues and uncertainty over US trade policy. The NSE Nifty also dropped by 263.05 points, slipping below the 23,000 mark for the first time since June 2024.
As the stock market nosedived to its lowest in over seven months, social media exploded with what Indians do best—laughing out the pain.
On X, one user shared the universal reality of every investor whose dad believed in fixed deposits over fancy portfolios. The caption? “My dad after his FD beats my portfolio #stockmarketcrash,” accompanied by a video of two men dancing with uncontainable joy.
Another user captured the plight of new retail investors entering the market with a video of a man trying to wade through a water body, only to sink, along with the caption: “New retail investor entering stock market.”
A screenshot of a WhatsApp conversation also went viral, where one person asks, “Bhai.. market bahot gir rha hai.. kya lena chahiye? (Market is down, what should I take)” The reply: “Bhagwaan ka naam. (God’s name)” The user sharing it captioned the image with: “Situation right now.”
The bulls of Dalal Street didn’t escape either. A photo of a bull statue lying flat on its side, eyes closed, read: “Uth Jaa bhai, Varna bahut log uth jaayenge.” The caption added a grim punchline: “Rare moment when a funny meme turns into a dark reality... #stockmarketcrash.”
Pop culture enthusiasts chimed in with a Simpsons reference. Bart Simpson, playing the role of the defeated investor, says, “My portfolio is 25% down.” Enter finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman with an indifferent response: “Your portfolio is down 25% so far.”
Another user posted an image of actor Jonathan Goldsmith with the iconic line: “I don’t always buy the dip… but when I do… it keeps dipping.”
The memes were here to remind us that humour might not solve the crisis—but it sure takes the edge off when we cry at our portfolio.