The Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Thursday said that while no assistance has come from the Centre till date for rehabilitation of survivors of Wayanad landslide, Rs 712.98 received in the Chief Minister's Disaster Relief Fund will be used for helping the survivors.
Vijayan said that the state had initially demanded a sum of Rs 2,221 crore for the landslide rehabilitation from the Centre, but as per the Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) report, more is expected.
"As the Union Government declared Wayanad landslide as a 'disaster of severe nature' MPs from across the country can contribute up to a sum of Rs 1 crore and I have already written to all MPs in the country seeking help," he added.
The CM was replying to a query raised by UDF MLA Kurukkoli Moideen during the question hour in the Legislative Assembly, on the amount received for the Wayanad package.
Vijayan assured that the funds received in the CMDRF will be utilised for the benefit of the disaster survivors and the rehabilitation process would be completed soon. He also said a sum of Rs 15 lakh each will be given to the persons who wish to stay outside the proposed townships.
Another issue raised by the UDF opposition was the alleged non-receipt of the treatment cost by those who sustained severe injuries in the landslides, even after six months of the disaster, and demanded immediate action in this regard.
Leader of Opposition V D Satheesan also said that 'uncertainty' prevails on the amount of Rs 30 lakh fixed for the proposed houses and the amount should be finalised to complete the rehabilitation process soon.
Replying to the issues raised by the opposition, Vijayan assured that immediate action would be taken.
He also said that the Cabinet has decided to take over the land for rehabilitation within 61 days.
"Several houses will be constructed simultaneously in the rehabilitation project and we estimate around Rs 30 lakh for the houses and a final decision has not been taken so far," he said.
The government published a draft list of the disaster-affected families to be rehabilitated in the houses in the proposed township and a final list is expected soon, he added.
"Co-ordinated efforts of various government departments are underway for the rehabilitation programme," he said. Funds from CMDRF, SDRF, various sponsorships, CSR funds and assistance from the Centre would be utilized for this, CM said.
The Cabinet decided on a rehabilitation project for building model townships on 58.50 hectares in Elstone Estate in Kalpetta and 48.96 hectares in Nedumpala Estate in Meppadi panchayat in Wayanad district for the survivors of the devastating July 30 landslides, he said.
Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by The Telegraph Online staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.