Days after a BJP worker constructed a temple for Narendra Modi in Pune, the bust of the prime minister has been removed from it.
Mayur Munde, who built the temple, could not be reached for comments on what prompted him to remove the bust.
Meanwhile, some NCP workers on Thursday staged a mock protest outside the temple in Aundh area here in Maharashtra.
"Optimism had prevailed in the city that now (after construction of the temple for Modi), the fuel prices would come down, inflation would dip and people will get Rs 15 lakh in their accounts. However, we came here and saw that the 'god' is missing from the temple," NCP city unit president Prashant Jagtap said sarcastically.
He said constructing such a temple was a symbol of "intellectual bankruptcy".
Munde, 37, had earlier said the temple was his tribute to the prime minister who "built Ram temple at Ayodhya".
"After becoming PM, Modi has done a lot of developmental work and dealt with issues such as the abrogation of Article 370 in Jammu & Kashmir, Ram Mandir construction and triple talaq successfully," he had said.
Munde had also said the prime minister's bust, as well as the red marble used in construction, were brought from Jaipur and the total expenditure was around Rs 1.6 lakh.