Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to stop wasting time on irrelevant issues like his social media accounts and focus on the grave challenge posed by the coronavirus, saying that rising to the occasion in times of crisis is the real test of a leader.
The former Congress president tweeted: “There are moments in the life of every nation when its leaders are tested. A true leader would be completely focused on averting the massive crisis about to be unleashed by the virus on India and its economy.”
Rahul added: “Dear Prime Minister, quit wasting time playing the clown with your social media accounts, when India is facing an emergency. Focus the attention of every Indian on taking on the Corona virus challenge. Here’s how it’s done.” He attached a video which showed the Singapore Prime Minister talking to the people in a measured tone, explaining the preparations for meeting the virus crisis by a special task force, including the available medical facilities and research capabilities.
Rahul also attached his tweet of February 12 to stress that he had been entreating the government to wake up to the lurking peril. That tweet had said: “The coronavirus is an extremely serious threat to our people and our economy. My sense is the government is not taking this threat seriously. Timely action is critical.”
Rahul’s reference to social media accounts was about the Prime Minister’s tweet on Monday night that he was thinking of quitting Twitter and other platforms. On Tuesday, Modi tweeted: “This (International) Women’s Day, I will give away my social media accounts to women whose life & work inspire us. This will help them ignite motivation in millions. Are you such a woman or do you know such inspiring women? Share such stories using #SheInspiresUs.”
Modi also tweeted a little later: “Had an extensive review regarding preparedness on the COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus. Different ministries & states are working together, from screening people arriving in India to providing prompt medical attention.”
Modi added: “There is no need to panic. We need to work together, take small yet important measures to ensure self-protection.” He attached a chart explaining the basic protective measures.
The Congress emphatically rejected the government’s claim that they were prepared. Party spokesperson Abhishek Singhvi said: “We are not satisfied with the government’s response. If they are over with divisive politics, the Prime Minister should now focus on real issues. The coronavirus threat is very serious and we are definitely not prepared.”