Amid a running battle with the BJP over alleged electoral manipulation, AAP national convener Arvind Kejriwal has written to RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat asking if his organisation would still like to campaign for the BJP.
This is Kejriwal’s second letter to the RSS chief in the recent past. After resigning as the chief minister of Delhi, Kejriwal attempted to play up reported differences between the BJP and its ideological fountainhead, the RSS.
Kejriwal said: “There have been media reports suggesting that the RSS will campaign for votes for the BJP in the Delhi elections. Is this true? Before this, people wish to know whether the RSS endorses the recent wrongful actions taken by the BJP.”
He added: “BJP leaders are openly distributing money to buy votes. Does the RSS support the buying of voters? There is a large-scale effort to remove the names of poor, Dalit, Poorvanchali and slum dwellers from the voter list, even though these people have been residing here for many years. Does the RSS believe such actions are in the interest of Indian democracy?”
AAP has cited purported documentary evidence showing BJP activists demanding an abnormally high number of name deletions in low-income neighbourhoods. The BJP has claimed without proof that these are bogus voters who are undocumented immigrants from Bangladesh and Myanmar. Both parties accuse each other of settling these immigrants and have engaged government departments under their control to detect these immigrants.
Delhi is due for Assembly polls early next year.