The Kerala government has come under flak after Kodi Suni alias N.K. Sunil Kumar, the convict in the T.P. Chandrasekharan murder case, was released on a 30-day parole from Thavanur prison on Saturday.
Chandrasekharan, 52, was hacked to death when he was returning home on a motorcycle on May 4, 2012. Chandrasekharan was killed after he had defected from the CPM in "disillusionment" and founded the Revolutionary Marxist Party (RMP).
Suni's mother had made a request to the Kerala State Human Rights Commission after which prison director-general of police (DGP) Balram Kumar Upadhyay granted him parole for 30 days.
Kerala High Court had awarded life imprisonment without remission for 20 years to nine accused in the murder of Chandrasekharan.
The rights panel judicial member, K. Baijunath, submitted the parole request before the prison DGP considering the mother's plea. In her petition, she claimed that she was having respiratory issues and wished to see her son who had not been on bail for the last five years. She said that in the past 12 years, he had been on bail only for two months. The DGP took a favourable decision despite the probation report of the police opposing it.
Chandrasekharan's wife K.K. Rema said 12 cases and a production warrant had been slapped against Suni. Rema, who is also the RMP MLA from Vadakara, said: “Prisoners who are sentenced to life imprisonment get parole. But in the case of Kodi Suni, the high court had come out with a verdict that he should not be given parole.... The police report and the probation report also were not in favour. I’ve asked my lawyer to move legally against the Left government’s action."