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Help! I cannot breathe!

if ignored, illness can take detrimental turn ruining a person's life forever, take steps needed to be fit and fine

Dr Gita Mathai Published 13.03.24, 07:15 AM ivanova ivanova

q I wake up with a jolt in the early hours every morning as my nose becomes blocked and I just cannot breathe. What should I do?

There are several correctable irritants you can avoid. Don’t smoke and try not to allow family members to smoke. Do not use vaporising mosquito repellents. Use saline nasal drops and not nasal decongestant sprays. Unlike saline drops, these can cause rebound congestion and can become habituating. Take plain steam inhalation before sleeping. Do not sleep for an hour after eating. A mild antihistamine at night may help. After two weeks, if there is no relief, please consult an ENT surgeon to rule out sinusitis, a deviated nasal septum and other problems.


Always tired q I am 47 years old. I have not yet reached menopause but I feel tired all the time. My friends say it is because of peri-menopause.

Hormonal changes near menopause can make you feel tired. Still, it would help if you had a physical examination and tests to rule out correctable medical conditions such as anaemia, diabetes, hypothyroidism, Vitamin D deficiency, congestive cardiac failure and obstructive sleep apnoea, which prevents you from getting proper restful sleep at night.

Cold sores q Whenever I get a cold or fever, I also develop a cluster of blisters on the side of my lip. My doctor called it “cold sores” and prescribed some cream. Although they disappeared, they reappear every time I fall sick.

These sores are due to the herpes simplex virus. It remains in the nerves, and when your immunity decreases, it causes small, painful, fluid-filled blisters on your mouth or nose, which last about 10 days. Triggers include fever, too much sun, stress and even hormonal changes like periods. They can be treated with antiviral pills or creams. Since the virus lives in the nerve, recurrent eruptions can occur.

Power of thought q My mother has cancer, for which she is being treated. However, she is not doing too well. I read that positive thinking can cure her.

The mind is very powerful and can move mountains. However, unfortunately, there is no research showing that positive thinking alone cures cancer. A positive attitude can improve her quality of life during diagnosis and treatment. It can also help her live with and manage the disease better. So, it is worth encouraging.

Seizures q My son developed generalised seizures at the age of two years. He did not have a fever at the time. He was investigated and started on medications. Every time I discontinue the drugs, he develops seizures again. Can I change his diet?

Seizures occur because the brain is sending out electrical signals to the muscles at a very rapid rate. The medication slows this. Usually, tablets have to be continued till the person is seizure-free for five years. Although experiments have been done with various dietary restrictions for seizures, they have not been very successful. Medication is essential. Please give it as prescribed until your doctor reduces the dose or stops it.

Cold legs q My mother’s legs feel cold to the touch. She has diabetes.

You need to check if the blood supply to her legs is adequate. They may feel cold to her and you because of inadequate blood supply. This can occur in diabetes, especially if she also has dyslipidaemia. It is best to talk to her doctor about this.

The writer has a family practice at Vellore and is the author of Staying Healthy in Modern India. If you have any questions on health issues please write to

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