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What Mamata Banerjee said about police, hawkers, and meetings in public spaces

The Bengal chief minister on Thursday continued with her take-no-prisoners stand against encroachments on public spaces. Here are three key things she said

Our Web Desk Published 27.06.24, 02:12 PM
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On Police: ‘The entire system seems to be broken’

“Police cannot be seen as weak. Take action wherever necessary. Don’t look at party colours. Whoever be the leader, arrest if necessary.” “An MP from Bangladesh was killed here. There was a firing in Kharagpur. The entire system seems to be broken.”

“We spent so much money on beautification in front of Webel and other places. Eateries have come up on the road. Does it look good? No it does not.”

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On public spaces: ‘Anybody goes to the court and gets an order’

“Parks have been beautified and built for the neighbourhoods. Why are they being given on rent to outsiders? Anybody goes to the court and gets an order. We have not been able to explain our stand to the court.”

“I hold an annual rally on July 21 because 13 of my colleagues were killed at that spot [near Victoria House]. If everyone is allowed to hold meetings, there will be no space for vehicular and pedestrian movement. The CPM organises a meeting to commemorate the victims of those killed in the food movement. I have not stopped them [from holding the meeting].

“Will meetings allowed to be held at the high court, Nabanna?”

 “I am not concerned if a hawker is from CPM, Congress or BJP. That is not my concern.”

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On hawkers: Have you seen the condition of Burrabazar?

“Had the earlier committees been able to do their jobs. I would not have to step in.”

“We need a list of hawkers from across the state. Only Calcutta is not enough. We have to think of the entire state.”

“Have you seen the condition of Burrabazar? I am scared the buildings will collapse someday, killing those who have gone there for marketing. Look after Burrabazar.”

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