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Turkish shooter dad breaks internet as he wins Olympic silver with one hand in pocket

Yusuf Dikeç’s laid-back style, though not unheard of, wins hearts, memes, and an Olympic medal

Subharup Das Sharma Published 01.08.24, 08:17 PM
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In a plot twist that would make even James Bond chuckle, Turkey's Yusuf Dikeç added unexpected swagger to the Paris Olympics 2024, leaving the Internet flooded with hilarious memes praising the athlete. The 51-year-old sharpshooter strutted onto the 10-metre air pistol mixed team final looking less "trained assassin" and more "dad who wandered onto the wrong movie set."

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While his competitors were decked out in enough gear to make a SWAT team jealous, Dikeç rolled up like he was about to ask someone for directions to the nearest kebab shop. One hand casually tucked in his pocket, both eyes wide open (because who needs depth perception anyway?), and rocking a pair of glasses that quietly said, "I can hit a bullseye and do your taxes."

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With his laid-back swagger in full effect, Dikeç proceeded to show the world that sometimes, the best weapon is the one you don't see coming. Paired with Sevval Ilayda Tarhan (who probably wondered if her partner had mistaken the Olympics for a casual Friday at the office), the Turkish twosome blazed through qualifications like it was a walk in the park. They topped the scoreboard with 582 points, presumably while Dikeç was mentally planning his post-match kebab order.

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In the final face-off against Serbia's crack shots, our pocket-loving protagonist and his partner turned the shooting range into their personal playground. Despite looking like he'd wandered in from a nearby pub quiz, Dikeç helped secure the silver in a nail-biting 14-16 finish. It was as if he'd decided to pick up an Olympic medal on his way to buy groceries, leaving everyone wondering if he might've snagged gold had he remembered to bring his "serious" glasses.

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The internet, predictably, lost its collective mind. One Twitter user quipped, "Yusuf Dikeç could have won gold if he was allowed to smoke." Another chimed in, "It's like he decided to snag an Olympic medal before going for a quick grocery shopping." We're half expecting him to pull out a shopping list instead of his scorecard.

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But don't let the casual demeanor fool you. This isn't Dikeç's first ‘gig’ – or should we say, shooting gallery. The Turkish ex-army veteran has been to more Olympics than most of us have had hot dinners. Beijing, London, Rio, Tokyo – he's collected more air miles than medals. Until now.

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One can't help but wonder if Turkey's secret strategy was to lull the competition into a false sense of security. "Oh look, they sent their uncle who got lost on the way to a bingo night," the other teams probably thought. Little did they know, Uncle Yusuf was about to school them all.

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The meme factory went into overdrive. "Girls packing for a trip vs guys packing for a trip," one Twitter user posted, perfectly encapsulating Dikeç's minimalist approach to Olympic preparation. Another speculated, "He could have won gold but just went for silver to avoid any suspicion." Because nothing says "I'm not a secret agent" like being really, really good at shooting things. Some even joked that Turkey had accidentally sent a hitman to the Olympics. We can neither confirm nor deny these allegations, but if John Wick ever needs a retirement plan, we know who to call.

In all seriousness, Dikeç's journey from a military school graduate to Olympic medalist is nothing short of impressive. But let's be honest, we're all here for the memes. And the possibility that he might pull out a sandwich mid-competition.

However, one thing's for sure: Yusuf Dikeç didn't just win a silver medal; he won the internet. And he did it all with one hand in his pocket, probably wondering what's for dinner.

Yusuf Dikeç, here’s to you—with one hand raised, because the other is staying in our pocket.

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