Rajiv Ghosh's upcoming Bengali feature film Nassyir Kouto revolves around Saukarya, an MNC official who returns to his ancestral home. After reuniting with his family, he discovers an old snuff box and gets to know from his grandmother that it belonged to his late grandfather Naren. As soon as he discovers the box, a series of incidents start happening around the snuff box. "If you like family drama, it is your film. If you like thrillers, it is your film. If you like comedy, definitely it's your film. If you like horror, be rest assured, the film is only for you," said Rajiv. Starring Abhishek Singh, Labani Sarkar, Biswanath Basu and Rupsa Mukhopadhyay, Nassyir Kouto sees Labani doing playback for the first time.