Bengali streaming platform Hoichoi has unveiled the official poster for the upcoming Season 8 of its popular detective series Eken Babu starring Anirban Chakrabarti as the quirky and sharp-witted sleuth. Titled Puro Puri Eken, the latest instalment will begin streaming on January 23.
Anirban Chakrabarti is set to reprise his role as Ekendra Sen aka Eken Babu, who this time finds himself in Puri. The story follows Eken as he investigates a series of threatening phone calls received by a Kathakali dancer. Somak Ghosh and Suhatro Mukhopadhyay reprise their roles as Eken’s loyal companions, Promotho and Bapi. Joydeep Mukherjee has directed the series.
Eken Babu debuted on Hoichoi in March 2018. The series, based on stories by Sujan Dasgupta, introduced viewers to an unassuming yet brilliant detective. Over the years, Eken Babu’s adventures have spanned various locations, including Bengaluru, Kolkata, Murshidabad, Dhaka and Tungkulung.
In addition to its streaming success, Eken Babu has made a seamless transition to the big screen, with two feature films to its credit. The first film, The Eken, hit theaters in April 2022, taking the detective to Darjeeling for a case. The second, The Eken: Ruddhaswas Rajasthan, released in April 2023, showcased an investigation in Rajasthan. The films starred Anirban as Eken Babu.