Filmmaker Shoojit Sircar Tuesday shared a behind-the-scenes video from the set of his 2015 film Piku to mark the late actor Irrfan Khan’s 58th birth anniversary. The video features Shoojit instructing Irrfan, Deepika Padukone and Amitabh Bachchan during the filming of the iconic ‘license’ scene from the slice-of-life drama.
In the caption, Shoojit also wished Deepika, who turned 39 on January 5. Additionally, the 57-year-old filmmaker sent his regards to veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan.
“Throwback to the iconic ‘license’ scene from Piku. Wishing a very happy birthday to dear friend Irrfan Khan. Belated happy birthday wishes to the talented @deepikapadukone. Sending love to the legendary @amitabhbachchan,” wrote Shoojit, alongside the video on Instagram.
Released on May 8, 2015, Piku follows the story of Piku Banerjee (Deepika Padukone), an architect in Delhi, and her cantankerous, hypochondriac father, Bhashkor Banerjee (Amitabh Bachchan), who is obsessed with his bowel movements. When Bhashkor insists on traveling to their ancestral home in Kolkata, the duo embark on a road trip with Rana (Irrfan Khan), a reluctant taxi company owner who agrees to drive them. The journey helps the father-daughter duo to resolve their interpersonal issues.
Piku marked Shoojit’s only collaboration with Irrfan, who passed away on April 29, 2020, after a prolonged battle with cancer.
Irrfan Khan’s final theatrical release was The Song of the Scorpions, which hit the screens last year. Meanwhile, Shoojit’s latest directorial venture, I Want to Talk, starring Abhishek Bachchan, released in theatres on November 22. The film is now available to rent on Prime Video.