Mammootty’s upcoming Malayalam film Bazooka is set to hit theatres on Valentine’s Day this year. On Friday, the makers shared a new poster of the film on social media, which features the 73-year-old superstar sporting a heavy beard and a stylish pony as he sits on a chair by a window.
“The Game Is ON. #Bazooka releasing in cinemas, 14th February 2025,” wrote the official handle of music label Saregama South in the caption of their post on X.
Billed as a ‘stylish thriller’, Bazooka is directed by debutant filmmaker Deeno Dennis, son of veteran scriptwriter Kaloor Dennis. It is produced by Yoodlee Films, the movie studio arm of Saregama India Limited. It also features filmmaker-actor Gautham Vasudev Menon, Shine Tom Chacko, Hakkim Shah, and Divya Pillai.
The music for Bazooka is scored by Midhun Mukundan and Saeed Abbas.
Mammootty, who last appeared in the 2024 Malayalam action comedy Turbo, alongside Raj B. Shetty, Anjana Jayaprakash, and Shabareesh Varma, is also awaiting the release of Dominic and the Ladies' Purse, directed by Gautham Vasudev Menon and produced by Mammootty Kampany.