Drishyam director Jeethu Joseph is set to collaborate with actors Asif Ali and Aparna Balamurali in a new project titled Mirage. The film, which carries the tagline ‘Fades as you get closer’, is based on a story written by Aparna R. Tarakad. Jeethu and Srinivas Abrol have penned the screenplay.
This marks the sixth time Asif and Aparna will share the screen, following their successful collaborations in Thrissivaperoor Kliptham, Sunday Holiday, B Tech, 2018, and last year’s blockbuster Kishkindha Kaandam. Jeethu Joseph, known for his masterful storytelling, has previously worked with both actors, directing Asif in Kooman and Aparna in Mr. & Ms. Rowdy.
The production team for Mirage includes Mukesh R Mehta, Jatin M Sethi and C V Sarathi, while the technical crew boasts cinematographer Satheesh Kurup, editor V S Vinayak and music director Vishnu Shyam.
Asif Ali recently wrapped up an untitled film by director Thamar K V of 1001 Nunakal fame, co-starring Divya Prabha. His next release, Rekhachithram, is an investigative drama directed by The Priest maker Jofin T Chacko. Also starring Anaswara Rajan, the film has a January 9 release date.
Aparna Balamurali last appeared in the psychological thriller Rudhiram alongside Raj B Shetty.
Celebrated for his Drishyam franchise, Jeethu Joseph has another project in the pipeline with Fahadh Faasil, scripted by Santhi Mayadevi who co-wrote and starred in Jeethu’s courtroom drama Neru.