Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar has postponed the launch of his upcoming film OMG 2’s trailer, which was slated to drop today, to August 3 as a mark of respect to the late art director Nitin Desai, who died by suicide on Wednesday.
Expressing his condolences on social media on Wednesday, Akshay made the announcement and revealed the new date for the trailer launch event. “Unbelievably sad to know about the demise of Nitin Desai. He was a stalwart in production design and such a big part of our cinema fraternity. He worked on so many of my films… this is a huge loss. Out of respect, we are not releasing the OMG 2 trailer today. Will launch it tomorrow at 11am. Om Shanti ,” he wrote on Twitter.
OMG 2 received an 'A' certificate from the Central Board of Film Certification and is set to release on August 11. The film also stars Pankaj Tripathi and Yami Gautam in key roles.
The Akshay-Kumar-starrer will clash with Sunny Deol’s Gadar 2 at the box office. Dev's Bengali film Byomkesh O Durgo Rohoshyo and Madhumita Sarcar-starrer Cheeni 2 are also slated to hit cinemas on the same day.