The trailer for the Akshay Kumar-starrer Sky Force was dropped by its makers on Sunday. The patriotic film’s two-minute-48-second-long trailer shows Akshay Kumar play, K.O. Ahuja, an Indian Air Force officer determined to find his fellow pilot T.K. Vijaya, portrayed by debutant Veer Pahariya, who goes missing during the 1965 India-Pakistan airstrike.
Set against the backdrop of the 1965 war, the trailer begins with Muhammad Ayub Khan, former president of Pakistan, issuing a threat to India. In the next scene, we see Akshay and Veer running through an airbase under fire, full of explosions and destruction.
In the subsequent scenes, Akshay’s character delivers a warning to Pakistan as he decides to launch India’s first air strike, wields a machine gun and flies a jet plane. The situation escalates when Veer’s character, a rebellious and gutsy pilot, goes missing during the strike.
While Akshay’s character is convinced that T.K. Vijaya is alive but trapped in Pakistan and goes to great lengths to locate and rescue him, Sara Ali Khan, who plays Veer’s love interest in the film, mourns his loss. The film also stars Nimrat Kaur.
“This Republic Day, witness the untold story of a heroic sacrifice — the tale of India’s first and deadliest airstrike,” reads the description of the trailer’s video on YouTube.
Directed by Sandeep Kelwani and Abhishek Kapur, the film is produced by Dinesh Vijan, Jyoti Deshpande, and Amar Kaushik under the banner of Jio Studios and Maddock Films. Sky Force will hit theatres on January 24.