Television actor Karanveer Mehra was crowned the winner of reality show Bigg Boss 18, hosted by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, at a star-studded grand finale on Sunday that aired live on Colors TV and JioCinema. The season, which premiered on October 6, 2024, had the theme ‘Time ka Tandav’ this year. From celebrity appearances to fun-filled banter, here are the highlights of Bigg Boss 18 grand finale night.
Veer Pahariya carries out an eviction
Actor Veer Pahariya, who will soon be seen alongside Akshay Kumar in Sky Force, entered the house to eliminate the first finalist. Named ‘Mission Elimination’ the task involved the housemates — Karan, Vivian Dsena, Rajat Dalal, Avinash Mishra, Chum Darang and Eisha Singh — lining up in front of a fighter jet. Veer pressed a red buzzer, resulting in a blast in front of Eisha, and she was evicted. On stage, Veer performed a patriotic song from Sky Force on Salman’s request, earning cheers from the live audience.
Aamir Khan and Salman Khan recreate iconic scene
Bollywood star Aamir Khan made a special appearance on the finale to promote Loveyapa, the upcoming film of his son Junaid Khan. Aamir and Salman relived memories of their 1994 classic Andaz Apna Apna by recreating an iconic scene where they rode a bike together. The audience erupted in cheers, and Aamir proposed the idea of a sequel to the beloved film, which was met with enthusiastic applause.
Salman’s banter with Abhishek Kumar
The grand finale also saw former contestants Abhishek Kumar, Vicky Jain, and Elvish Yadav take to the stage to promote their upcoming show, LaughterChefs Season 2. Salman joked that Colors TV involved the same participants across multiple shows. He also pulled Abhishek’s leg for participating in another show with Samarth Jurel, given their history on Bigg Boss 17.
Meanwhile, Nyrraa Banerji danced with Elvish Yadav to Jag Ghoomeya from Salman Khan’s film Sultan. Salman himself joined in, creating an unforgettable moment for the audience.
Shilpa’s dance with Karan-Vivian
Shilpa Shirodkar performed a high-energy dance number alongside finalists Karan Veer Mehra and Vivian Dsena, delighting fans with their chemistry. One of the highlights of Bigg Boss 18 was Shilpa’s dilemma in choosing between Karan and Vivian for tasks. The actress, who considered Karan and Vivian like her two sons, had declared on the show that she would give her loyalty for 50 days to Karan and another 50 days to Vivian.