Actor Aadar Jain tied the knot with fiancée Alekha Advani on January 13 in a white-themed beach wedding in Goa. Here’s a look at some moments from the ceremony, which was attended by Karisma Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor, Reema Kapoor and other members of the extended Kapoor family.
The bride and the groom gazed into each other’s eyes. While Alekha stunned in a white sweetheart-neck gown, complete with a tulle veil, Aadar looked dapper in a crisp grey suit.
Aadar and Alekha beamed with joy during the ceremony. The guests celebrated their union with a stunning display of fireworks. The son of late actor Raj Kapoor’s daughter Reema Kapoor, Aadar made his relationship with Alekha official on November 13, 2023 by sharing a picture of them holding hands on Instagram. The couple got engaged in the Maldives in September 2024. In November last year, Aadar and Alekha celebrated their roka ceremony.
The groom kissed the bride against the picturesque backdrop of the sky meeting the ocean.
The newlyweds posed with their guests for a picture. The photo features Aadar’s cousin Karisma Kapoor, his aunt Neetu Kapoor and mum Reema Kapoor.
Aadar and Alekha cut a cake during the celebrations, surrounded by their loved ones.
While Aadar is known for films like Hello Charlie (2021) and Qaidi Band (2017), Alekha is an Indian entrepreneur, a model and founder of a Mumbai-based wellness community. As per media reports, Aadar was previously in a relationship with Alekha’s close friend, actress Tara Sutaria.