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Trust in PM Modi has grown, Opposition a cipher: Uttar Pradesh deputy CM dismisses low turnout

The Telegraph spoke to Brajesh Pathak ahead of the second phase of polling on April 26

Piyush Srivastava Published 30.04.24, 07:48 AM
Uttar Pradesh deputy chief minister Brajesh Pathak.

Uttar Pradesh deputy chief minister Brajesh Pathak. Picture by Naeem Ansari

Brajesh Pathak, Uttar Pradesh deputy chief minister, is one of the busiest campaigners of the BJP. He had already criss-crossed almost every district in the state — with 80 Lok Sabha seats — before the election schedule was even announced. His “campaign days” start at 10am, continuing till late at night.

The Telegraph spoke to Pathak ahead of the second phase of polling on April 26. Excerpts:


How are the people reacting to the BJP’s campaign?

It is positive; the people are with the BJP. They are responding in our favour.

What difference do you see in the current election compared to 2019?

The difference is that the Opposition is no longer in any fight. The Opposition is a mere cipher here.

What makes you think that?

Because they don’t have any policy. They don’t have any positive agenda for the future. The Narendra Modi government’s track record of 10 years is there for the people of the nation and state to see. The trust for the BJP is growing. The trust is growing for Modiji, who is like a guardian for all of us. He made space in the hearts of the people because he worked well during the coronavirus pandemic and is working relentlessly for the welfare of the poor. They believe Modiji can provide them good governance.

The Opposition claims the BJP’s vote percentage decreased in the first phase and so, it started to invoke religion in the campaign to polarise a section.

It is a fact that the temple of Lord Ram is the centre of our faith.

There is a perception in the public and the Opposition that you couldn’t cash in on the Ram temple...

The BJP is in the fray with welfare schemes for the poor. We (the Modi government) have succeeded in bringing out 25 crore people from below the poverty line. The people’s trust in the BJP has grown. This is because per capita income has increased. The gross domestic product growth is visible. We are the fifth biggest economic power in the world. Economists of the world believe we will be the third economic power soon.

Many Opposition leaders are planning to contest elections. Akhilesh Yadav has decided to contest from Kannauj...

Akhilesh Yadav is completely confused. They are changing their candidates frequently. This is because they are apprehensive of defeat. The SP candidates are running away.

Agra: BJP supporters during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's public meeting for Lok Sabha elections, in Agra, Thursday, April 25, 2024.

Agra: BJP supporters during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's public meeting for Lok Sabha elections, in Agra, Thursday, April 25, 2024. PTI

But what will you say if Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi contest from Amethi and Rae Bareli?

It will not affect us. Rahul Gandhi has already run away (from Amethi) to Wayanad (Kerala). He has accepted defeat. We are going to register a thunderous victory in Rae Bareli also.

Why are you not contesting the election?

It is decided by our party leadership who will contest and who will not. We have a system and we follow it.

Shariah, Taliban, Muslim, are these words necessary to lob up in the election campaigns?

You are right. But it is the responsibility of the BJP to alert the people against the conspiracies of the Opposition. The Congress said in its manifesto it will probe the wealth of the people and confiscate it. Their leader Sam Pitroda substantiated the plan in a video message. They will confiscate people’s ancestral properties. It is unfortunate and the Congress will suffer because of this.

The Congress leaders said the BJP was twisting certain words mentioned in their manifesto.

You see what Sam Pitroda has said. It is a conspiracy of the Congress and the BJP
will not allow them to succeed. The Opposition — the Congress and the SP — will face the music.

Priyanka Gandhi has asked the BJP to explain why the Congress would take such steps now when it didn’t in 55 years of its rule...

They have mentioned this in their latest manifesto. And Sam Pitroda repeated their intention in his message. We protect our ancestors’ properties as their memory. It is an
Indian culture and tradition. They (the Congress) are
trying to hurt our culture and tradition.

Are the people very angry with BJP MPs because they didn’t perform?

No, it is not true. We are unitedly contesting this election and will win again.

Uttar Pradesh votes in all seven phases

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