Enjoy every bit of Puja, but don’t forget to take care of your skin to maintain that glow throughout the festive season.
Puja special tips:
CTM — cleansing, toning and moisturising has to end with E — exfoliating. The only difference is while you need to CTM every day, exfoliation should be done only two times a week. Not more not less. You need to keep clearing those blackheads and dead skin cells that make your skin lifeless. Use an exfoliating face scrub. Remember to scrub in a circular motion all over the face for at least a minute. If the skin is too dry or excessively sensitive, once a week in fine. Make sure the granules of the scrub are very mild.
2. FACE PACKS: Some natural homemade packs work wonders.
l Papaya & honey pack: Blend a quarter of a papaya well with a teaspoon of honey. Leave it on your face for 20 minutes. Wash it off with cold water.
l Strawberry & milk pack: Blend three strawberries with 2 teaspoons of milk and follow. Leave it on for 20 minutes and wash.
3. LIP SERVICE: Apply cucumber juice on your lips for 5 minutes every day. Wash it off. Works like magic to keep skin hydrated.
4. BEAUTY SLEEP: You need your beauty sleep.
Take my word for it. I am not asking you to oversleep, but the adequate amount. This is one of the most effective tips to avoid those dark circles, tired droopy eyes and a tired face overall. Give your brain (and beauty!) cells the rest they deserve and only then will any other remedy be effective.
Happy Puja everyone!
The columnist manages Ishrat’s Hair & Skin Studio, Lord Sinha Road, Calcutta. Contact: @ishratansar