The stock market may have plunged, but India’s creative meme-makers have risen to the occasion, transforming the gloom of the Nifty crash into viral hilarity. Social media platforms are abuzz with posts that encapsulate the collective angst of investors, combining wit, relatability with a tinge of regret.
Take Arun Selvaraj’s self-deprecating humor as an example. He wryly declared, "I’m not broke, I’m pre-rich," following it up with a philosophical nugget: "When you see Nifty crash, remember: gravity works everywhere, even in the stock market."
Meanwhile, Twitter user Anuj Prajapati turned to the iconic Bollywood film Bhool Bhulaiyaa for inspiration. In his post, Akshay Kumar’s character (labeled as HMPV) is hilariously contrasted with Asrani’s character (representing a struggling portfolio). The scene perfectly mirrors the turmoil many investors are facing, implying that the HMPV virus might just be behind the stock market crash.
Brokerage firm Bajaj Broking added to the humor with a side-splitting video. The clip features a man portraying investors on January 1, full of optimism, smiling and celebrating. Fast-forward to January 9, and the same man is in tears, perfectly summing up the whiplash of emotions triggered by the recent market dip.
INDMoney took meme culture to the next level with a vivid portrayal of the stock market landscape. In their post, a woman labeled as TCS is joyfully playing with a child (Nifty IT) in water. Nearby, another child (Nifty Midcap) struggles to stay afloat, while a skeleton (Nifty Smallcap) lies submerged, a victim of the market’s unforgiving tide.