Mahindra on Tuesday announced the prices for the top-end (Pack Three) variant of its Electric Origin SUVs — BE 6 and XEV 9e. In November, it had unveiled the BE6 and XEV 9e and announced prices of its base variants.
While the top variant of BE6 called Pack Three will come at a retail price of ₹26.9 lakh with a battery pack of 79kWh, the XEV 9e will sell at ₹30.5 lakh with the same battery pack. Prices do not include chargers and installation cost. The base variant prices of the two vehicles announced earlier were ₹18.9 lakh and ₹21.9 lakh.
The company confirmed that these were not introductory prices but it would hold these prices for some time.
A mid-variant of both the electric origin SUVs will be announced later. The company will produce 5000 units of both the EVs at its Chakan plant in a month. It has applied for 197 patents for technologies used in their EVs.