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High prices of pulses a worry

Economists say government should take pre-emptive steps to contain prices

R. Suryamurthy New Delhi Published 21.09.22, 01:35 AM
Representational image.

Representational image. File Photo.

After wheat andrice, lower pulses sowing inthe kharif season is likely tobe a worry for the governmentas it could add to food inflation.

Economists said the government should take pre-emptive steps to contain prices. Senior government officials said the kharif sowingis being closely monitoredand timely intervention byway of imports could also betaken.


“There is likely an impact of uneven rainfall on the kharif pulses crop production. The outlook is not positive and the erratic rains have been posing a challenge.

“If we do not have adequate domestic production, we keep our borders open for facilitating imports from overseas markets… this will help us overcome the crisis and the prices in the high demand season will not be high.”

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